tries to identify common choices of missing values outside of the
R standard (NA
). These include special words (NaN and Inf (no matter the cases)),
one or more -9/9's (e.g. 999, "99", -9, "-99"), one ore more -8/8's (e.g. -8, 888, -8888),
Stata style missing values (commencing with ".") and other character strings
("", " ", "-", "NA" miscoded as character). If the variable is numeric/integer or a
character/factor variable consisting only of numbers and with more than 11 different values,
the numeric miscoded missing values (999, 888, -99, -8 etc.) are
only recognized as miscoded missing if they are maximum or minimum, respectively, and the distance
between the second largest/smallest value and this maximum/minimum value is greater than one.