sdesc <- descriptive(ill, dtype = "nbcap", dfreq = TRUE, t = Inf)
# A mixture model looks appropriate
closedp.0(ill, dtype = "nbcap", dfreq = TRUE, t = Inf)
# We can try to fit a normal mixture model:
closedpCI.0(ill, dtype = "nbcap", dfreq = TRUE, t = Inf, m = "Mh", h = "Normal")
# We get an estimate similar to the Mh Gamma3.5 estimate.
# Estimates are highly variable and it seems difficult to come up with a
# definitive answer. The lower bound estimate is useful in this context.
closedpCI.0(ill, dtype = "nbcap", dfreq = TRUE, t = Inf, m = "Mh", h = "LB")
# Considering the lower limit of a 95% confidence estimate for the lower bound,
# there should be at least 8 000 illegal immigrants in the Netherlands.
# Less than 25% have been caught.
# }
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