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Produces an image representation of the coefficients contained within a wst.object class object.
# S3 method for wst image(x, nv, strut = 10, type = "D", transform = I, …)
The wst object you wish to image
An associated node vector, this argument is no longer used and should be omitted (in the S version it permitted coloration of particular bases)
The number of pixels/width that each coefficient should be drawn with
Either "C" or "D" depending on whether you wish to image scaling function coefficients or wavelet ones
A numerical transform you wish to apply to the coefficients before imaging
Other arguments
Description says all
# NOT RUN { tmp <- wst(rnorm(1024)) # } # NOT RUN { image(tmp) # } # NOT RUN { image(tmp, transform=logabs) # }
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