## Not run: ------------------------------------
# # import mean daily streamflow for Red River of the North at Fargo, ND
# q05054000 <- importDVs("05054000", sdate="2000-01-01", edate="2010-12-31")
# head(q05054000)
# # additional examples of how to this function follow
# # import mean daily gage height for Red River of the North at Grand Forks, ND
# gh05082500 <- importDVs("05082500", code="00065", sdate="2000-01-01", edate="2010-12-31")
# # import mean daily specific conductance for Red River of the North at Grand Forks, ND
# sc05082500<- importDVs("05082500", code="00095", sdate="2000-01-01", edate="2010-12-31")
# # import mean daily water temperature for Red River of the North at Fargo, ND
# temp05054000<- importDVs("05054000", code="00010", sdate="2000-01-01", edate="2010-12-31")
# # import median daily pH for Red River of the North at Fargo, ND
# pH05054000<- importDVs("05054000", code="00400", stat="00008",
# sdate="2000-01-01", edate="2010-12-31")
# # examine the attributes of the data frame to show that the parameter code
# # and statistics code are saved with the data frame
# attributes(pH05054000)[c("code","stat")]
# # import mean daily oxygen for Red River of the North at Fargo, ND
# do05054000 <- importDVs("05054000", code="00300", sdate="2000-01-01", edate="2010-12-31")
# # import mean daily turbidity for Red River of the North at Fargo, ND
# turb05054000 <- importDVs("05054000", code="63680", sdate="2000-01-01", edate="2010-12-31")
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Run the code above in your browser using DataLab