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remotes (version 2.3.0)

install_bitbucket: Install a package directly from Bitbucket


This function is vectorised so you can install multiple packages in a single command.


  ref = "HEAD",
  subdir = NULL,
  auth_user = bitbucket_user(),
  password = bitbucket_password(),
  host = "api.bitbucket.org/2.0",
  dependencies = NA,
  upgrade = c("default", "ask", "always", "never"),
  force = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  build = TRUE,
  build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual", "--no-build-vignettes"),
  build_manual = FALSE,
  build_vignettes = FALSE,
  repos = getOption("repos"),
  type = getOption("pkgType"),



Repository address in the format username/repo[/subdir][@ref]. Alternatively, you can specify subdir and/or ref using the respective parameters (see below); if both are specified, the values in repo take precedence.


Desired git reference; could be a commit, tag, or branch name. Defaults to HEAD.


Subdirectory within repo that contains the R package.


your account username if you're attempting to install a package hosted in a private repository (and your username is different to username). Defaults to the BITBUCKET_USER environment variable.


your password. Defaults to the BITBUCKET_PASSWORD environment variable. See details for further information on setting up a password.


GitHub API host to use. Override with your GitHub enterprise hostname, for example, "github.hostname.com/api/v3".


Which dependencies do you want to check? Can be a character vector (selecting from "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", or "Enhances"), or a logical vector.

TRUE is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo" and "Suggests". NA is shorthand for "Depends", "Imports" and "LinkingTo" and is the default. FALSE is shorthand for no dependencies (i.e. just check this package, not its dependencies).

The value "soft" means the same as TRUE, "hard" means the same as NA.

You can also specify dependencies from one or more additional fields, common ones include:

  • Config/Needs/website - for dependencies used in building the pkgdown site.

  • Config/Needs/coverage for dependencies used in calculating test coverage.


Should package dependencies be upgraded? One of "default", "ask", "always", or "never". "default" respects the value of the R_REMOTES_UPGRADE environment variable if set, and falls back to "ask" if unset. "ask" prompts the user for which out of date packages to upgrade. For non-interactive sessions "ask" is equivalent to "always". TRUE and FALSE are also accepted and correspond to "always" and "never" respectively.


Force installation, even if the remote state has not changed since the previous install.


If TRUE, suppress output.


If TRUE build the package before installing.


Options to pass to R CMD build, only used when build is TRUE.


If FALSE, don't build PDF manual ('--no-manual').


If FALSE, don't build package vignettes ('--no-build-vignettes').


A character vector giving repositories to use.


Type of package to update.


Other arguments passed on to utils::install.packages().


To install from a private repo, or more generally, access the Bitbucket API with your own credentials, you will need to get an access token. You can create an access token following the instructions found in the Bitbucket App Passwords documentation. The App Password requires read-only access to your repositories and pull requests. Then store your password in the environment variable BITBUCKET_PASSWORD (e.g. evelynwaugh:swordofhonour)

Note that on Windows, authentication requires the "libcurl" download method. You can set the default download method via the download.file.method option:

options(download.file.method = "libcurl")

In particular, if unset, RStudio sets the download method to "wininet". To override this, you might want to set it to "libcurl" in your R profile, see base::Startup. The caveat of the "libcurl" method is that it does not set the system proxies automatically, see "Setting Proxies" in utils::download.file().

See Also

Bitbucket API docs: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/use-the-bitbucket-cloud-rest-apis-222724129.html

Other package installation: install_bioc(), install_cran(), install_dev(), install_github(), install_gitlab(), install_git(), install_local(), install_svn(), install_url(), install_version()


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