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wavethresh (version 4.6.9)

irregwd.objects: Irregular wavelet decomposition objects.


These are objects of classes


They represent a decomposition of a function with respect to a wavelet basis. The function will have been interpolated to a grid and these objects represent the discrete wavelet transform wd.



This class of objects is returned from the irregwd function. Some other functions that process these kinds of objects also return this class of object (such as threshold.irregwd.)


The irregwd class of objects has methods for the following generic functions: plot, threshold,


All components in a legitimate `irregwd' are identical to the components in an ordinary wd.object with the exception of type component and with the addition of the following component:


vector that aids in the calculation of variances of wavelet coefficients (used by threshold.irregwd).


Version 3.9.4 Copyright Arne Kovac 1997, Help Copyright Guy Nason 2004


To retain your sanity the C and D coefficients should be extracted by the accessC and accessD functions and inserted using the putC and putD functions (or more likely, their methods), rather than by the $ operator.

One can use the accessc function to obtain the c component.

Mind you, if you want to muck about with coefficients directly, then you'll have to do it yourself by working out what the fl.dbase list means (see first.last for a description.)

See Also

irregwd, threshold.irregwd, plot.irregwd,wd