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LaplacesDemon (version 16.1.4)

is.class: Logical Check of Classes


These functions each provide a logical test of the class of an object.





This is an object that will be subjected to a logical test of its class.


The is.bayesfactor function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class bayesfactor.

The is.blocks function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class blocks.

The is.bmk function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class bmk.

The is.demonoid function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class demonoid.

The is.demonoid.hpc function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class demonoid.hpc.

The is.demonoid.ppc function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class demonoid.ppc.

The is.demonoid.val function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class demonoid.val.

The is.hangartner function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class hangartner.

The is.heidelberger function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class heidelberger.

The is.importance function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class importance.

The is.iterquad function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class iterquad.

The is.iterquad.ppc function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class iterquad.ppc.

The is.juxtapose function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class juxtapose.

The is.laplace function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class laplace.

The is.laplace.ppc function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class laplace.ppc.

The is.miss function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class miss.

The is.pmc function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class pmc.

The is.pmc.ppc function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class pmc.ppc.

The is.pmc.val function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class pmc.val.

The is.posteriorchecks function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class posteriorchecks.

The is.raftery function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class raftery.

The is.rejection function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class rejection.

The is.sensitivity function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class sensitivity.

The is.vb function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class vb.

The is.vb.ppc function returns a logical value indicating whether or not the supplied object is of class vb.ppc.


Functions in Laplace's Demon often assigns a class to an output object. For example, after updating a model with the LaplacesDemon or LaplacesDemon.hpc function, an output object is created. The output object is of class demonoid or demonoid.hpc, respectively. Likewise, after passing a model to the LaplaceApproximation function, an output object is created, and it is of class laplace. The class of these and other objects may be logically tested.

By assigning a class to an output object, the package is able to discern which other functions are appropriate for it. For example, after updating a model with LaplacesDemon, which creates an object of class demonoid, the user may desire to plot its output. Since it is assigned a class, the user may use the generic plot function, which internally selects the plot.demonoid function, which differs from plot.laplace for objects of class laplace.

For more information on object classes, see the class function.

See Also

BayesFactor, Blocks, BMK.Diagnostic, class, Hangartner.Diagnostic, Heidelberger.Diagnostic, Importance, IterativeQuadrature, Juxtapose, LaplaceApproximation, LaplacesDemon, LaplacesDemon.hpc, MISS, PMC, PosteriorChecks, predict.demonoid, predict.laplace, predict.pmc, predict.vb, Raftery.Diagnostic, RejectionSampling, SensitivityAnalysis, Validate, and VariationalBayes.