The data give the locations of saplings of
Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii)
in a square sampling region in a natural forest.
The observations were originally collected by Numata (1961).
These data are used as a standard example in the textbook of
Diggle (2003); see pages 1, 14, 19, 22, 24, 56--57 and 61.
An object of class "ppp"
representing the point pattern of 65 tree sapling locations
in a 5.7 x 5.7 metre square, rescaled to the unit square
and rounded to two decimal places.
See ppp.object for details of the format of a
point pattern object.
Diggle, P.J. (2003)
Statistical Analysis of Spatial Point Patterns.
Arnold Publishers.
Numata, M. (1961)
Forest vegetation in the vicinity of Choshi. Coastal flora and
vegetation at Choshi, Chiba Prefecture. IV.
Bulletin of Choshi Marine Laboratory, Chiba University3, 28--48 (in Japanese).