An object returned by the jointModel
function, inheriting from class jointModel
and representing a fitted
joint model for longitudinal and time-to-event data. Objects of this class have methods for the generic functions
, coef
, fitted
, fixed.effects
, logLik
, plot
, print
, residuals
, summary
, and vcov
The following components must be included in a legitimate jointModel
a list with the estimated coefficients. The components of this list are:
the vector of fixed effects for the linear mixed effects model.
the measurement error standard deviation for the linear mixed effects model.
the vector of baseline covariates for the survival model.
the association parameter(s).
the association parameter(s) corresponding to the slope of the true trajectory.
the scale parameter for the Weibull survival model; returned only when
method = "weibull-PH-GH"
or method = "weibull-AFT-GH"
the parameter of the piecewise constant baseline hazard; returned only when
method = "piecewise-PH-GH"
the coefficients of the B-splines use to approximate the baseline hazard;
returned only when method = "spline-PH-GH"
a two-column numeric matrix with the first column containing the estimated baseline hazard values,
and the second the unique sorted event times; returned only when method = "Cox-PH-GH"
the variance-covariance matrix of the random effects.
the Hessian matrix evaluated at the estimated parameter values.
the log-likelihood value.
a list with components:
the estimated random effects values.
the estimated variance for the random effects estimates.
the estimated random effects part of the linear predictor for the longitudinal outcome (i.e., \(Z\) is the design matrix for the random effects \(b\)).
the estimated random effects part of the linear predictor for the survival outcome (i.e., evaluated at the observed event times).
the estimated random effects part of the linear predictor for the survival outcome (i.e.,
for the \(i\)th sample unit is evaluated at all event times that are less or equal to the \(i\)th
observed event time); returned only when method = "Cox-PH-GH"
the numeric vector of the knots positions; returned only when method = "spline-PH-GH"
method = "piecewise-PH-GH"
or method = "ch-Laplace"
the number of iterations in the optimization algorithm.
convergence identifier: 0 corresponds to successful convergence, whereas 1 to a problem (i.e., when 1, usually more iterations are required).
the number of sample units.
the total number of repeated measurements for the longitudinal outcome.
a vector with the number of repeated measurements for each sample unit.
a numeric vector with 0 denoting censored observation and 1 events.
the grouping vector for the longitudinal responses.
a list with the design matrices for the longitudinal and event processes.
a list with the response vectors for the longitudinal and event processes.
a data.frame
containing the variables for the linear mixed effects model at the time of the
the value of the method
the terms
component of the lmeObject
the terms
component of the survObject
the formula for the fixed effects part of the longitudinal model.
the formula for the random effects part of the longitudinal model.
the formula for the survival model.
the value of the timeVar
the value of the control
the value of the parameterization
the value of the interFact
the value of the derivForm
the value of the lag
the matched call.