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dbscan (version 0.9-8)

kNN: Find the k Nearest Neighbors


This function uses a kd-tree to find all k nearest neighbors in a data matrix (including distances) fast.


kNN(x, k, sort = TRUE, search = "kdtree", bucketSize = 10, splitRule = "suggest", approx = 0)


a data matrix or a dist object.
number of neighbors to find.
nearest neighbor search strategy (one of "kdtree", "linear" or "dist").
sort the neighbors by distance?
max size of the kd-tree leafs.
rule to split the kd-tree. One of "STD", "MIDPT", "FAIR", "SL_MIDPT", "SL_FAIR" or "SUGGEST" (SL stands for sliding). "SUGGEST" uses ANNs best guess.
use approximate nearest neighbors. All NN up to a distance of a factor of 1+approx eps may be used. Some actual NN may be omitted leading to spurious clusters and noise points. However, the algorithm will enjoy a significant speedup.


A list with the following components:


search controls if a kd-tree or linear search (both implemented in the ANN library; see Mount and Arya, 2010). Note, that these implementations cannot handle NAs. search="dist" precomputes Euclidean distances first using R. NAs are handled, but the resulting distance matrix cannot contain NAs. To use other distance measures, a precomputed distance matrix can be provided as x (search is ignored).

bucketSize and splitRule influence how the kd-tree is built. approx uses the approximate nearest neighbor search implemented in ANN. All nearest neighbors up to a distance of eps/(1+approx) will be considered and all with a distance greater than eps will not be considered. The other points might be considered. Note that this results in some actual nearest neighbors being omitted leading to spurious clusters and noise points. However, the algorithm will enjoy a significant speedup. For more details see Mount and Arya (2010).

Note: self-matches are removed!


David M. Mount and Sunil Arya (2010). ANN: A Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching, http://www.cs.umd.edu/~mount/ANN/.

See Also

frNN for fixed radius nearest neighbors.


Run this code
# finding kNN directly in data (using a kd-tree)
nn <- kNN(iris[,-5], k=10)

# explore neighborhood of point 10
i <- 10
plot(iris[,-5], col = ifelse(1:nrow(iris) %in% nn$id[i,], "red", "black"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab