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KEGGREST (version 1.12.2)

keggList: Returns a list of entry identifiers and associated definition for a given database or a given set of database entries.


Returns a list of entry identifiers and associated definition for a given database or a given set of database entries.


keggList(database, organism)



Either a KEGG database (list available via listDatabases()), a KEGG organism code (list available via keggList() with the organism argument, a T number (list available via keggList() with the genome argument), or a character vector of KEGG identifiers.

Optional. A KEGG organism identifier (list available via keggList() with the organism argument).


A named character vector containing entry identifiers and associated definition.




Run this code
keggList("pathway") ## returns the list of reference pathways
keggList("pathway", "hsa") ## returns the list of human pathways
keggList("organism") ## returns the list of KEGG organisms with
                     ## taxonomic classification
keggList("hsa")  ## returns the entire list of human genes
keggList("T01001") ## same as above
keggList(c("hsa:10458", "ece:Z5100")) ## returns the list of a human gene
                                      ## and an E.coli O157 gene
keggList(c("cpd:C01290","gl:G00092")) ## returns the list of a compound entry
                                      ## and a glycan entry
keggList(c("C01290+G00092")) ## same as above (prefixes are not necessary)

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