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BiocStyle (version 2.0.2)

latex: Use Bioconductor styles to format LaTeX vignettes


This function inserts code into a document preamble to provide a consistent style to Bioconductor vignettes


latex(..., width=90, short.fignames=FALSE, fig.path, error=FALSE, use.unsrturl=TRUE)


Additional arguments, passed to options.
integer(1), maximum number of columns on a line used in printing. See options.
logical(1), indicates whether \incfig figures should be inserted and referred to using short names equal to corresponding code chunk labels without any additional prefix.
character(1), custom prefix to be used for figure file names when used with knitr; has no effect when compiled with Sweave. For details see opts_chunk.
logical(1), behavior of knitr when errors occur in vignette code chunks, has no effect when compiled with Sweave. The default (FALSE) means that errors stop vignette processing, which is appropriate when packages are being built and checked. For details see opts_chunk.
logical(1), indicating that the ‘unsrturl’ style will be used (\bibliographystyle command not required).


The return value is a character string directing LaTex to use the Bioconductor style file.A side effect is setting any options specified as arguments.


Use is described in the ‘Bioconductor LaTeX Style’ vignette. By default the 'unsrturl' bibliography style is used, which automatically creates links to URL, DOIs, etc. Use a different bibliographystyle with use.unsrturl=FALSE and standard LaTeX commands for styling bibliographies.


Run this code
## location of the .sty file

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