### Linear programming with linear and quadratic constraints ###
### Example from animal breeding ###
### The mean breeding value BV is maximized whereas the ###
### mean kinship in the offspring x'Qx+d is restricted ###
### Lower and upper bounds for females are identical, so ###
### their contributions are not optimized. ###
### Lower and upper bounds for some males are defined. ###
A <- t(model.matrix(~Sex-1, data=phenotype))
val <- c(0.5, 0.5)
dir <- c("==","==")
Nf <- sum(phenotype$Sex=="female")
id <- phenotype$Indiv
lbval <- setNames(rep(0, length(id)), id)
ubval <- setNames(rep(NA, length(id)), id)
lbval[phenotype$Sex=="female"] <- 1/(2*Nf)
ubval[phenotype$Sex=="female"] <- 1/(2*Nf)
lbval["276000102379430"] <- 0.02
ubval["276000121507437"] <- 0.03
mycop <- cop(f = linfun(a=phenotype$BV, id=id, name="BV"),
max= TRUE,
lb = lbcon(lbval, id=id),
ub = ubcon(ubval, id=id),
lc = lincon(A=A, dir=dir, val=val, id=id),
qc = quadcon(Q=myQ, d=0.001, val=0.045,
name="Kinship", id=rownames(myQ)))
res <- solvecop(mycop, solver="cccp2", quiet=FALSE)
Evaluation <- validate(mycop, res)
# valid solver status
# TRUE cccp2 optimal
# Variable Value Bound OK?
# -------------------------------------
# BV 0.5502 max :
# -------------------------------------
# lower bounds all x >= lb : TRUE
# upper bounds all x <= ub : TRUE
# Sexfemale 0.5 == 0.5 : TRUE
# Sexmale 0.5 == 0.5 : TRUE
# Kinship 0.045 <= 0.045 : TRUE
# -------------------------------------
# }
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