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LendingClub (version 2.0.0)

lc_ListedLoans: Listing of all loans on the primary market


Uses Lending Club's API to return all current listed loans


lc_ListedLoans(showAll = TRUE, LC_CRED = NULL)



logical, indicate whether all loans should be retured. Use false to limit the results to those loans listed in the most recent listing period.


Credential object having class LendingClub_credential. This object can be created using the lc_MakeCredential() function. You can pass the object directly as an argument to the function or alternatively, it can be read from the global environment if it was stored as "LC_CRED".


LendingClub_api object. There are two components, the first is the content of the request, the second is the response from the API. The content can be further subdivided into a 2 element list. The first element is the date of the request and second is a dataframe of the listed loans.