# !formatR
m = leaflet() %>% addTiles()
m # a map with the default OSM tile layer
# set bounds
m %>% fitBounds(0, 40, 10, 50)
# move the center to Snedecor Hall
m = m %>% setView(-93.65, 42.0285, zoom = 17)
# popup
m %>% addPopups(-93.65, 42.0285, 'Here is the <b>Department of Statistics</b>, ISU')
rand_lng = function(n = 10) rnorm(n, -93.65, .01)
rand_lat = function(n = 10) rnorm(n, 42.0285, .01)
# use automatic bounds derived from lng/lat data
m = m %>% clearBounds()
# popup
m %>% addPopups(rand_lng(), rand_lat(), 'Random popups')
# marker
m %>% addMarkers(rand_lng(), rand_lat())
m %>% addMarkers(
rand_lng(), rand_lat(), popup = paste('A random letter', sample(LETTERS, 10))
Rlogo = file.path(R.home('doc'), 'html', 'logo.jpg')
m %>% addMarkers(
174.7690922, -36.8523071, icon = list(
iconUrl = Rlogo, iconSize = c(100, 76)
), popup = 'R was born here!'
m %>% addMarkers(rnorm(30, 175), rnorm(30, -37), icon = list(
iconUrl = Rlogo, iconSize = c(25, 19)
m %>% addMarkers(
c(-71.0382679, -122.1217866), c(42.3489054, 47.6763144), icon = list(
iconUrl = 'http://www.rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/blue-125.png'
), popup = c('RStudio @ Boston', 'RStudio @ Seattle')
# circle (units in metres)
m %>% addCircles(rand_lng(50), rand_lat(50), radius = runif(50, 50, 150))
# circle marker (units in pixels)
m %>% addCircleMarkers(rand_lng(50), rand_lat(50), color = '#ff0000')
m %>% addCircleMarkers(rand_lng(100), rand_lat(100), radius = runif(100, 5, 15))
# rectangle
m %>% addRectangles(
rand_lng(), rand_lat(), rand_lng(), rand_lat(),
color = 'red', fill = FALSE, dashArray = '5,5', weight = 3
# polyline
m %>% addPolylines(rand_lng(50), rand_lat(50))
# polygon
m %>% addPolygons(rand_lng(), rand_lat(), layerId = 'foo')
# geoJSON
seattle_geojson = list(
type = "Feature",
geometry = list(
type = "MultiPolygon",
coordinates = list(list(list(
c(-122.36075812146, 47.6759920119894),
c(-122.360781646764, 47.6668890126755),
c(-122.360782108665, 47.6614990696722),
c(-122.366199035722, 47.6614990696722),
c(-122.366199035722, 47.6592874248973),
c(-122.364582509469, 47.6576254522105),
c(-122.363887331445, 47.6569107302038),
c(-122.360865528129, 47.6538418253251),
c(-122.360866157644, 47.6535254473167),
c(-122.360866581103, 47.6533126275176),
c(-122.362526540691, 47.6541872926348),
c(-122.364442114483, 47.6551892850798),
c(-122.366077719797, 47.6560733960606),
c(-122.368818463838, 47.6579742346694),
c(-122.370115159943, 47.6588730808334),
c(-122.372295967029, 47.6604350102328),
c(-122.37381369088, 47.660582362063),
c(-122.375522972109, 47.6606413027949),
c(-122.376079703095, 47.6608793094619),
c(-122.376206315662, 47.6609242364243),
c(-122.377610811371, 47.6606160735197),
c(-122.379857378879, 47.6610306942278),
c(-122.382454873022, 47.6627496239169),
c(-122.385357955057, 47.6638573778241),
c(-122.386007328104, 47.6640865692306),
c(-122.387186331506, 47.6654326177161),
c(-122.387802656231, 47.6661492860294),
c(-122.388108244121, 47.6664548739202),
c(-122.389177800763, 47.6663784774359),
c(-122.390582858689, 47.6665072251861),
c(-122.390793942299, 47.6659699214511),
c(-122.391507906234, 47.6659200946229),
c(-122.392883050767, 47.6664166747017),
c(-122.392847210144, 47.6678696739431),
c(-122.392904778401, 47.6709016021624),
c(-122.39296705153, 47.6732047491624),
c(-122.393000803496, 47.6759322346303),
c(-122.37666945305, 47.6759896300663),
c(-122.376486363943, 47.6759891899754),
c(-122.366078869215, 47.6759641734893),
c(-122.36075812146, 47.6759920119894)
properties = list(
name = "Ballard",
population = 48000,
# You can inline styles if you want
style = list(
fillColor = "yellow",
weight = 2,
color = "#000000"
id = "ballard"
m %>% setView(-122.36075812146, 47.6759920119894, zoom = 13) %>% addGeoJSON(seattle_geojson)
# use the Dark Matter layer from CartoDB
leaflet() %>% addTiles('http://{s}.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
attribution = paste(
'© <a href="http://openstreetmap.org">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors',
'© <a href="http://cartodb.com/attributions">CartoDB</a>'
) %>% setView(-122.36, 47.67, zoom = 10)
# provide a data frame to leaflet()
categories = LETTERS[1:10]
df = data.frame(
lat = rand_lat(100), lng = rand_lng(100), size = runif(100, 5, 20),
category = factor(sample(categories, 100, replace = TRUE), levels = categories),
value = rnorm(100)
m = leaflet(df) %>% addTiles()
m %>% addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = ~size)
m %>% addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = runif(100, 4, 10), color = c('red'))
# Discrete colors using the "RdYlBu" colorbrewer palette, mapped to categories
RdYlBu = colorFactor("RdYlBu", domain = categories)
m %>% addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = ~size,
color = ~RdYlBu(category), fillOpacity = 0.5)
# Continuous colors using the "Greens" colorbrewer palette, mapped to value
greens = colorNumeric("Greens", domain = NULL)
m %>% addCircleMarkers(~lng, ~lat, radius = ~size,
color = ~greens(value), fillOpacity = 0.5)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab