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rasterVis (version 0.41)

levelplot-methods: Level and contour plots of Raster objects.


Level and contour plots of Raster objects with lattice methods and marginal plots with grid objects.


# S4 method for Raster,missing
levelplot(x, data = NULL, layers,
            margin = list(), 
            maxpixels = 1e5, 
            par.settings = rasterTheme(),
            between = list(x=0.5, y=0.2),
            as.table = TRUE,
            xlab=if(isLonLat(x)) 'Longitude' else NULL,
            ylab=if(isLonLat(x)) 'Latitude' else NULL,
            scales  =list(),
            xscale.components = xscale.raster,
            yscale.components = yscale.raster,
            zscaleLog = NULL,
            colorkey = list(space='right'),
            panel = panel.levelplot,
            pretty = FALSE, 
            contour = FALSE, region = TRUE, labels = FALSE,
            FUN.margin = NULL, 
            scales.margin = NULL, axis.margin = NULL,
            ..., att=1L)

# S4 method for Raster,missing contourplot(x, data=NULL, layers, ...)



A Raster object.


Not used.


A numeric or character which should indicate the layers to be displayed.


A positive integer giving the number of cells to display, for sampleRegular.


A list or a logical. If it is TRUE, two marginal graphics show the column (x) and row (y) summaries of the Raster* object. The summary is computed with the function mean. If it is a list, it contains parameters in <U+2018>name=value<U+2019> form that define both margins, and may contain two other lists called <U+2018>x<U+2019> and <U+2018>y<U+2019> whose components affect the respective margins only:

  • draw: A logical. If TRUE (default) the marginal graphics are drawn.

  • FUN: A function to summarise the Raster* by rows and columns (default: mean).

  • scales: A list with components x (columns) and y (rows). Each of these components must be a numeric vector of length 2 defining the range for each marginal plot. If scales = NULL (default) the range is internally computed. If any of the elements of the vectors is NA, the corresponding limit of the range will be calculated internally. If any of the vectors is of length 1, it is assumed that it defines the lower limit of the range, and the upper limit is calculated internally.

  • axis: Logical or a list. Its default value is FALSE. If it is TRUE or a list, a simple axis is drawn with the marginal graphic. If it is a list, its components define the graphical parameters of the axis using grid::gpar. The default value is gpar(col = 'darkgrey', fontsize = 7)

FUN.margin, scales.margin, axis.margin

Deprecated arguments. Use margin as a list instead


Integer or character to choose which variable (column) in the RAT table should be used.

xlab, ylab, main

A character string or expression describing the axis and title labels. These arguments are used by the underlying lattice::xyplot function, which provides this information in its help page:

main, xlab and ylab are usually a character string or an expression that gets used as the label, but can also be a list that controls further details. Expressions are treated as specification of LaTeX-like markup as described in plotmath. The label can be a vector, in which case the components will be spaced out horizontally (or vertically for ylab). This feature can be used to provide column or row labels rather than a single axis label. When main (etc.) is a list, the actual label should be specified as the xlab component (which may be unnamed if it is the first component). The label can be missing, in which case the default will be used. Further named arguments are passed on to textGrob; this can include arguments controlling positioning like just and rot as well as graphical parameters such as col and font (see gpar for a full list). main, xlab and ylab can also be arbitrary <U+2018>"grob"<U+2019>s (grid graphical objects).”


Character or expression, names to use in each panel. If missing its default value is the result of names(x) (after subsetting the layers to be displayed).

xscale.components, yscale.components

logical specifying whether a color key is to be drawn alongside the plot (default is TRUE), or a list describing the color key (see the colorkey section of the help page of lattice::levelplot for details). As an additional feature not included in lattice::levelplot, it accepts the title argument, a character, and title.gpar, a list of graphical parameters (see gpar for details) to be applied to the title text.

between, as.table, par.settings, scales, panel

Graphical parameters used by lattice::xyplot. Adapted from the help page of this function:

  • between: A list with components code and code (both usually 0 by default), numeric vectors specifying the space between the panels (units are character heights). x and y are repeated to account for all panels in a page and any extra components are ignored.

  • as.table: A logical flag that controls the order in which panels should be displayed: if TRUE (the default), left to right, top to bottom (as in a table). If FALSE panels are drawn left to right, bottom to top.

  • par.settings: A list to choose some display settings temporarily. This list is supplied to trellis.par.set. When the resulting object is plotted, these options are applied temporarily for the duration of the plotting, after which the settings revert back to what they were before. This enables the user to attach some display settings to the trellis object itself rather than change the settings globally. rasterVis includes some functions with predefined themes that can be directly supplied to par.settings: rasterTheme (default), RdBuTheme and BuRdTheme, GrTheme, BTCTheme, PuOrTheme and streamTheme (for streamplot). These themes are defined using custom.theme. You can use rasterTheme or custom.theme to define your own theme (see examples for details).

  • scales: A list determining how the x- and y-axes (tick marks and labels) are drawn. The list contains parameters in name=value form, and may also contain two other lists called x and y of the same form. Components of x and y affect the respective axes only, while those in scales affect both. When parameters are specified in both lists, the values in x or y are used. For example, use scales=list(draw=FALSE) to suppress ticks and labels in both axis. Read the help page of lattice::xyplot to know about the possible components of scales.

  • panel: A function object or a character string giving the name of a predefined function. The default is panel.levelplot. Another useful option is panel.levelplot.raster.

pretty, contour, region, labels

Graphical parameters supplied to lattice::levelplot. Adapted from its help page:

  • pretty: A logical flag, indicating whether to use pretty cut locations and labels. It is FALSE for levelplot and TRUE for contourplot.

  • contour: A logical flag, indicating whether to draw contour lines. It is TRUE for contourplot and FALSE for levelplot.

  • region: A logical flag, indicating whether regions between contour lines should be filled as in a level plot. It is FALSE for contourplot and TRUE for levelplot.

  • labels: Tipically a logical indicating whether the labels are to be drawn (default is TRUE for contourplot), a character or expression vector giving the labels associated with the at values, or a list whose components define the labels and their graphical parameters. Read the help page of panel.levelplot for details.


Controls whether the Raster* will be log transformed before being passed to the panel function. Defaults to NULL, in which case the Raster* is not transformed. Other possible values are any number that works as a base for taking logarithm, TRUE (which is equivalent to 10), "e" (for the natural logarithm), and FALSE (that is equivalent to NULL). As a side effect, the colorkey is labeled differently.

Additional arguments for lattice::levelplot, lattice::xyplot, panel.levelplot and panel.levelplot.raster. The most important ones are:

  • layout: From the help page of lattice::xyplot: layout is a numeric vector of length 2 or 3 giving the number of columns, rows, and pages (optional) in a multipanel display. The number of pages is by default set to as many as is required to plot all the panels, and so rarely needs to be specified. For example, with layout=c(1, 1) each panel (corresponding to a layer of a RasterStackBrick) object will be printed in a separate page (which could be useful to generate a series of output files to build an animation.)

  • xlim, ylim: From the help page of lattice::xyplot: A numeric vector of length 2 giving left and right limits for x-axis, and lower and upper limits for the y-axis.

  • shrink: From the help page of panel.levelplot: Either a numeric vector of length 2 (meant to work as both x and y components), or a list with components x and y which are numeric vectors of length 2. This allows the rectangles to be scaled proportional to the z-value. The specification can be made separately for widths (x) and heights (y). The elements of the length 2 numeric vector gives the minimum and maximum proportion of shrinkage (corresponding to min and max of z).

  • border, border.lty, border.lwd: Graphical parameters (color, type of line, width of line, respectively) of each rectangle borders. See the help page of panel.levelplot for details.


The result of the levelplot method is similar to the spplot method for Raster objects defined in the raster package. However, this method does not use the spplot of the sp package and, therefore, no conversion between classes is needed.

The contourplot method is a wrapper for levelplot with the next additional default settings: cuts=7, labels=TRUE, contour=TRUE, pretty=TRUE, region=TRUE and colorkey=TRUE (see the help of contourplot for details.)

levelplot displays categorical data with a convenient legend. You should use ratify to define a layer as a categorical variable. It is able to display multilayer categorical rasters only if they share the same RAT (Raster Attribute Table). levelplot is not able to display multilayer rasters with factor and numeric layers. See ratify and the examples below for details.

See Also

spplot, lattice::levelplot


Run this code
f <- system.file("external/test.grd", package="raster")
r <- raster(f)

## Change the color theme
levelplot(r, par.settings=GrTheme())
levelplot(r, par.settings=PuOrTheme())

myTheme=rasterTheme(region=brewer.pal('Blues', n=9))
levelplot(r, par.settings=myTheme)

## Define the legend breaks
my.at <- seq(100, 1850, 500)
levelplot(r, at=my.at)

myColorkey <- list(at=my.at, ## where the colors change
                     at=my.at ## where to print labels
levelplot(r, at=my.at, colorkey=myColorkey)

myColorkey <- list(at=my.at, ## where the colors change
                     labels=letters[seq_along(my.at)], ## labels
                     at=my.at ## where to print labels
levelplot(r, at=my.at, colorkey=myColorkey)

## Define the units of the color key
levelplot(r, colorkey = list(title = "[m]"))

levelplot(r, margin = FALSE,
             colorkey = list(title = "[m]",
                             title.gpar = list(cex = 1,
                                               font = 2,
                                               col = 'red')

## shrink and border color
rCenter <- (maxValue(r) + minValue(r)) / 2
levelplot(r - rCenter, par.settings=RdBuTheme(), shrink=c(.8, 15), border='black')

## With subticks
levelplot(r, xscale.components=xscale.raster.subticks,

levelplot(r, xscale.components=xscale.raster.subticks,
             scales=list(x=list(rot=30, cex=0.8)))

## log-scale
levelplot(r^2, zscaleLog=TRUE, contour=TRUE)

## Customizing axis and title labels
levelplot(r, margin=FALSE,
          main=list('My plot', col='red'),
          xlab=c('This is the', 'X-Axis'),
          ylab=list('Y-Axis', rot=30, fontface='bold')

## xlim and ylim to display a smaller region
levelplot(r, xlim=c(179000, 181000), ylim=c(329500, 334000))

## RasterStacks
s <- stack(r, r+500, r-500)
levelplot(s, contour=TRUE)
contourplot(s, labels=list(cex=0.4), cuts=12)

## Use of layout
levelplot(s, layout=c(1, 3))
levelplot(s, layout=c(1, 1))

## names.attr to change the labels of each panel
levelplot(s, names.attr=c('R', 'R + 500', 'R - 500'))

## Defining the scales for the marginal plot
levelplot(r, margin = list(axis = TRUE,
                           scales = list(x=c(100, 600),
                                         y=c(100, 1000))))
## if a component of the list is null, it is internally calculated
levelplot(r, margin=list(axis = TRUE, scales = list(x=c(100, 1000))))

## Add a layer of sampling points
## and change the theme
pts <- sampleRandom(r, size=20, sp=TRUE)

## Using +.trellis and layer from latticeExtra
levelplot(r, par.settings = BTCTheme) + layer(sp.points(pts, col = 'red'))
contourplot(r, labels = FALSE) + layer(sp.points(pts, col = 'red'))

## or with a custom panel function
levelplot(r, par.settings=BTCTheme,
            sp.points(pts, col='red')

## Categorical data
r <- raster(nrow=10, ncol=10)
r[] = 1
r[51:100] = 3
r[3:6, 1:5] = 5
r <- ratify(r)
rat <- levels(r)[[1]]
rat$landcover <- c('Pine', 'Oak', 'Meadow')
rat$class <- c('A1', 'B2', 'C3')
levels(r) <- rat

levelplot(r, col.regions=c('palegreen', 'midnightblue', 'indianred1'))

## with 'att' you can choose another variable from the RAT
levelplot(r, att=2, col.regions=c('palegreen', 'midnightblue', 'indianred1'))
levelplot(r, att='class', col.regions=c('palegreen', 'midnightblue', 'indianred1'))

r2 <- raster(r)
r2[] = 3
r2[51:100] = 1
r2[3:6, 1:5] = 5

r3 <- init(r, function(n)sample(c(1, 3, 5), n, replace=TRUE))

## Multilayer categorical Raster* are displayed only if their RATs are the same
levels(r2) <- levels(r3) <- levels(r)

s <- stack(r, r2, r3)
names(s) <- c('A', 'B', 'C')

levelplot(s, att=2)

# }
##Solar irradiation data from CMSAF http://dx.doi.org/10.5676/EUM_SAF_CM/RAD_MVIRI/V001
old <- setwd(tempdir())
   'SISmm2008_CMSAF.zip', method='wget')

listFich <- dir(pattern='\.nc')
stackSIS <- stack(listFich)
stackSIS <- stackSIS*24 ##from irradiance (W/m2) to irradiation Wh/m2

idx <- seq(as.Date('2008-01-15'), as.Date('2008-12-15'), 'month')

SISmm <- setZ(stackSIS, idx)
names(SISmm) <- month.abb


levelplot(SISmm, layers=1, margin = list(FUN = 'median'), contour=TRUE)

# }

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