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emuR (version 1.0.0)

AddListRemoveSsffTrackDefinition: Add / List / Remove ssffTrackDefinition to / from / of emuDB


Add / List / Remove ssffTrackDefinition to / from / of emuDB. An ssffTrack (often simply referred to as a track) references data that is stored in the Simple Signal File Format (SSFF) in the according bundle folders. The two most common types of data are:

  • complementary data that was acquired during the recording such as data acquired during electromagnetic articulographic (EMA) or electropalatography (EPG) recordings;

  • derived data, i.e. data that was calculated from the original audio signal such as formant values and their bandwidths or the short-term Root Mean Square amplitude of the signal.

For more information on the structural elements of an emuDB see vignette(emuDB).


add_ssffTrackDefinition(emuDBhandle, name, columnName = NULL,
  fileExtension = NULL, onTheFlyFunctionName = NULL,
  onTheFlyParams = NULL, onTheFlyOptLogFilePath = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
  interactive = TRUE)


remove_ssffTrackDefinition(emuDBhandle, name, deleteFiles = FALSE)



emuDB handle as returned by load_emuDB


name of ssffTrackDefinition


columnName of ssffTrackDefinition. If the onTheFlyFunctionName parameter is set and columnName isn't, the columnName will default to the first entry in wrasspOutputInfos[[onTheFlyFunctionName]]$tracks.


fileExtension of ssffTrackDefinitions. If the onTheFlyFunctionName parameter is set and fileExtension isn't, the fileExtension will default to the first entry in wrasspOutputInfos[[onTheFlyFunctionName]]$ext.


name of wrassp function to do on-the-fly calculation. If set to the name of a wrassp signal processing function, not only the emuDB schema is extended by the ssffTrackDefintion but also the track itself is calculated from the signal file and stored in the emuDB. See names(wrasspOutputInfos) for a list of all the signal processing functions provided by the wrassp package.


a list of parameters that will be given to the function passed in by the onTheFlyFunctionName parameter. This list can easily be generated using the formals function on the according signal processing function provided by the wrassp package and then setting the parameter one wishes to change.


path to optional log file for on-the-fly function


Show progress bars and further information


ask user for confirmation


delete files that belong to ssffTrackDefinition on removal


Run this code
# prerequisite: loaded ae emuDB 
# (see ?load_emuDB for more information)

# add ssff track definition to ae emuDB
# calculating the according SSFF files (.zcr) on-the-fly
# using the wrassp function "zcrana" (zero-crossing-rate analysis)
add_ssffTrackDefinition(emuDBhandle = ae,
                        name = "ZCRtrack",
                        onTheFlyFunctionName = "zcrana")
# add ssff track definition to ae emuDB
# for SSFF files that will be added later (either
# by adding files to the emuDB using 
# the add_files() function or by calculating
# them using the according function provided 
# by the wrassp package)
add_ssffTrackDefinition(emuDBhandle = ae,
                        name = "formants",
                        columnName = "fm",
                        fileExtension = "fms")

# list ssff track definitions for ae emuDB
list_ssffTrackDefinitions(emuDBhandle = ae)

# remove newly added ssff track definition (does not delete 
# the actual .zrc files)
remove_ssffTrackDefinition <- function(emuDBhandle = ae, 
                                       name = "ZCRtrack")

# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab