# }
To list all objects in .GlobalEnv:
> ll()
member data.class dimension objectSize
1 *tmp* Person 1 428
2 as.character.Person function NULL 1208
3 country character 1 44
4 equals.Person function NULL 2324
5 filename character 1 84
6 getAge function NULL 372
7 getAge.Person function NULL 612
8 getName.Person function NULL 628
9 hashCode.Person function NULL 1196
10 last.warning list 1 192
11 obj Person 1 428
12 Person Class NULL 2292
13 setAge function NULL 372
14 setAge.Person function NULL 2088
15 setName function NULL 372
16 setName.Person function NULL 760
17 staticCode.Person function NULL 2372
To list all functions in the methods package:
ll(mode="function", envir="methods")
To list all numeric and character object in the base package:
ll(mode=c("numeric", "character"), envir="base")
To list all objects in the base package greater than 40kb:
subset(ll(envir="base"), objectSize > 40000)
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab