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mixOmics (version 6.3.0)

logratio.transfo: Log-ratio transformation


This function applies a log transformation to the data, either CLR or ILR


logratio.transfo(X, logratio = "none", offset = 0)



numeric matrix of predictors


log-ratio transform to apply, one of "none", "CLR" or "ILR"


Value that is added to X for CLR and ILR log transformation. Default to 0.


logratio.transfo simply returns the log-ratio transformed data.


logratio.transfo applies a log transformation to the data, either CLR (centered log ratio transformation) or ILR (Isometric Log Ratio transformation). In the case of CLR log-transformation, X needs to be a matrix of non-negative values and offset is used to shift the values away from 0, as commonly done with counts data.


Kim-Anh Le Cao, Mary-Ellen Costello, Vanessa Anne Lakis, Francois Bartolo, Xin-Yi Chua, Remi Brazeilles, Pascale Rondeau mixMC: a multivariate statistical framework to gain insight into Microbial Communities bioRxiv 044206; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/044206

John Aitchison. The statistical analysis of compositional data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), pages 139-177, 1982.

Peter Filzmoser, Karel Hron, and Clemens Reimann. Principal component analysis for compositional data with outliers. Environmetrics, 20(6):621-632, 2009.

See Also

pca, pls, spls, plsda, splsda.