## =======================================================================
## Example 1:
## from lsodar source code
## =======================================================================
Fun <- function (t, y, parms) {
ydot <- vector(len = 3)
ydot[1] <- -.04*y[1] + 1.e4*y[2]*y[3]
ydot[3] <- 3.e7*y[2]*y[2]
ydot[2] <- -ydot[1] - ydot[3]
return(list(ydot, ytot = sum(y)))
rootFun <- function (t, y, parms) {
yroot <- vector(len = 2)
yroot[1] <- y[1] - 1.e-4
yroot[2] <- y[3] - 1.e-2
y <- c(1, 0, 0)
times <- c(0, 0.4*10^(0:8))
Out <- NULL
ny <- length(y)
out <- lsodar(y = y, times = times, fun = Fun, rootfun = rootFun,
rtol = 1e-4, atol = c(1e-6, 1e-10, 1e-6), parms = NULL)
print(paste("root is found for eqn", which(attributes(out)$iroot == 1)))
## =======================================================================
## Example 2:
## using lsodar to estimate steady-state conditions
## =======================================================================
## Bacteria (Bac) are growing on a substrate (Sub)
model <- function(t, state, pars) {
with (as.list(c(state, pars)), {
## substrate uptake death respiration
dBact <- gmax*eff*Sub/(Sub+ks)*Bact - dB*Bact - rB*Bact
dSub <- -gmax *Sub/(Sub+ks)*Bact + dB*Bact + input
## root is the condition where sum of |rates of change|
## is very small
rootfun <- function (t, state, pars) {
dstate <- unlist(model(t, state, pars)) # rate of change vector
return(sum(abs(dstate)) - 1e-10)
pars <- list(Bini = 0.1, Sini = 100, gmax = 0.5, eff = 0.5,
ks = 0.5, rB = 0.01, dB = 0.01, input = 0.1)
tout <- c(0, 1e10)
state <- c(Bact = pars$Bini, Sub = pars$Sini)
out <- lsodar(state, tout, model, pars, rootfun = rootfun)
## =======================================================================
## Example 3:
## using lsodar to trigger an event
## =======================================================================
## a state variable is decaying at a first-order rate.
## when it reaches the value 0.1, a random amount is added.
derivfun <- function (t,y,parms)
list (-0.05 * y)
rootfun <- function (t,y,parms)
return(y - 0.1)
eventfun <- function(t,y,parms)
return(y + runif(1))
yini <- 0.8
times <- 0:200
out <- lsodar(func=derivfun, y = yini, times=times,
rootfunc = rootfun, events = list(func=eventfun, root = TRUE))
plot(out, type = "l", lwd = 2, main = "lsodar with event")
# }
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