# Make 2 objects
caribou1 <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x = stats::runif(10, -50, 50), y = stats::runif(10, -50, 50)))
caribou2 <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x = stats::runif(10, -50, 50), y = stats::runif(10, -50, 50)))
caribouTraj <- makeLines(caribou1, caribou2)
if (interactive()) Plot(caribouTraj, new = TRUE, length = 0.1)
# or to a previous Plot
## Not run:
# filelist <- data.frame(files =
# dir(file.path(find.package("SpaDES", quiet = FALSE), "maps"),
# full.names = TRUE, pattern = "tif"),
# functions = "rasterToMemory",
# packages = "SpaDES")
# # Load files to memory (using rasterToMemory)
# sim1 <- loadFiles(filelist = filelist)
# caribouTraj <- makeLines(caribou1, caribou2)
# Plot(sim1$DEM, new = TRUE)
# Plot(caribouTraj, addTo = "sim1$DEM", length = 0.1)
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab