produces an interactive spectrographic view in which the start
and end times of acoustic signals can be measured.
manualoc(wl = 512, flim = c(0,12), seltime = 1, tdisp = NULL, reccomm = FALSE, wn = "hanning", title = TRUE, selcomm = FALSE, osci = FALSE, player = NULL, pal = reverse.gray.colors.2, path = NULL)
Default is c(0,12).TRUE
Default is 1 second.NULL
which displays the full sound file.TRUE
pops up a comment window at the end of each sound file.
The comment needs to be quoted. Default is FALSE
for more options.TRUE
the name of the sound file will be printed as the main
title of the spectrogram window. Default is TRUE
pops up a comment window after each selection. The
comment is printed as a label on the selected unit. The comment must be quoted. Default is FALSE
adds a oscillogram whenever the spectrograms are produced
with higher resolution (see seltime). Default is FALSE
. Default is reverse.gray.colors.2. See Details.NULL
(default) then the current working directory is used.seltailor
## Not run:
# #First create empty folder
# setwd(tempdir())
# # save wav file examples
# data(list = c("Phae.long1", "Phae.long2", "Phae.long3", "Phae.long4"))
# writeWave(Phae.long1,"Phae.long1.wav")
# writeWave(Phae.long2,"Phae.long2.wav")
# writeWave(Phae.long3,"Phae.long3.wav")
# writeWave(Phae.long4,"Phae.long4.wav")
# manualoc(wl = 300)
# # need to use the buttoms to manipulate function
# # check working directory for .csv file after stopping function
# #check here:
# getwd()
# ## End(Not run)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab