## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## A. Basic use
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## 1. Map to local space with mapToAlignments()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Mapping to local coordinates requires 'x' to be within 'alignments'.
## In this 'x', the second range is too long and can't be mapped.
alignments <- GAlignments("chr1", 10L, "11M", strand("*"), names="read_A")
x <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(12, 12), width=c(6, 20)))
mapToAlignments(x, alignments)
## The element-wise version of the function returns unmapped ranges
## as zero-width ranges with a seqlevel of "UNMAPPED":
pmapToAlignments(x, c(alignments, alignments))
## Mapping the same range through different alignments demonstrates
## how the CIGAR operations affect the outcome.
ops <- c("no-op", "junction", "insertion", "deletion")
x <- GRanges(rep("chr1", 4), IRanges(rep(12, 4), width=rep(6, 4), names=ops))
alignments <- GAlignments(rep("chr1", 4), rep(10L, 4),
cigar = c("11M", "5M2N4M", "5M2I4M", "5M2D4M"),
strand = strand(rep("*", 4)),
names = paste0("region_", 1:4))
pmapToAlignments(x, alignments)
## 2. Map to genome space with mapFromAlignments()
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## One of the criteria when mapping to genomic coordinates is that the
## shifted 'x' range falls within 'alignments'. Here the first 'x'
## range has a shifted start value of 14 (5 + 10 - 1 = 14) with a width of
## 2 and so is successfully mapped. The second has a shifted start of 29
## (20 + 10 - 1 = 29) which is outside the range of 'alignments'.
x <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(c(5, 20), width=2, names=rep("region_A", 2)))
alignments <- GAlignments("chr1", 10L, "11M", strand("*"), names="region_A")
mapFromAlignments(x, alignments)
## Another characteristic of mapping this direction is the name matching
## used to determine pairs. Mapping is only attempted between ranges in 'x'
## and 'alignments' with the same name. If we change the name of the first 'x'
## range, only the second will be mapped to 'alignment'. We know the second
## range fails to map so we get an empty result.
names(x) <- c("region_B", "region_A")
mapFromAlignments(x, alignments)
## CIGAR operations: insertions reduce the width of the output while
## junctions and deletions increase it.
ops <- c("no-op", "junction", "insertion", "deletion")
x <- GRanges(rep("chr1", 4), IRanges(rep(3, 4), width=rep(5, 4), names=ops))
alignments <- GAlignments(rep("chr1", 4), rep(10L, 4),
cigar = c("11M", "5M2N4M", "5M2I4M", "5M2D4M"),
strand = strand(rep("*", 4)))
pmapFromAlignments(x, alignments)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## B. TATA box motif: mapping from read -> genome -> transcript
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The TATA box motif is a conserved DNA sequence in the core promoter
## region. Many eukaryotic genes have a TATA box located approximately
## 25-35 base pairs upstream of the transcription start site. The motif is
## the binding site of general transcription factors or histones and
## plays a key role in transcription.
## In this example, the position of the TATA box motif (if present) is
## located in the DNA sequence corresponding to read ranges. The local
## motif positions are mapped to genome coordinates and then mapped
## to gene features such as promoters regions.
## Load reads from chromosome 4 of D. melanogaster (dm3):
fl <- untreated1_chr4()
gal <- readGAlignments(fl)
## Extract DNA sequences corresponding to the read ranges:
dna <- extractTranscriptSeqs(BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3, grglist(gal))
## Search for the consensus motif TATAAA in the sequences:
box <- vmatchPattern("TATAAA", dna)
## Some sequences had more than one match:
## The element-wise function we'll use for mapping to genome coordinates
## requires the two input argument to have the same length. We need to
## replicate the read ranges to match the number of motifs found.
## Expand the read ranges to match motifs found:
motif <- elementNROWS(box) != 0
alignments <- rep(gal[motif], elementNROWS(box)[motif])
## We make the IRanges into a GRanges object so the seqlevels can
## propagate to the output. Seqlevels are needed in the last mapping step.
readCoords <- GRanges(seqnames(alignments), unlist(box, use.names=FALSE))
## Map the local position of the motif to genome coordinates:
genomeCoords <- pmapFromAlignments(readCoords, alignments)
## We are interested in the location of the TATA box motifs in the
## promoter regions. To perform the mapping we need the promoter ranges
## as a GRanges or GRangesList.
## Extract promoter regions 50 bp upstream from the transcription start site:
txdb <- TxDb.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3.ensGene
promoters <- promoters(txdb, upstream=50, downstream=0)
## Map the genome coordinates to the promoters:
names(promoters) <- mcols(promoters)$tx_name ## must be named
mapToTranscripts(genomeCoords, promoters)
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