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RMark (version 3.0.0)

mark: Interface to MARK for fitting capture-recapture models


Fits user specified models to various types of capture-recapture data by creating input file and running MARK software and retrieving output


  ddl = NULL,
  begin.time = 1,
  model.name = NULL,
  model = "CJS",
  title = "",
  model.parameters = list(),
  initial = NULL,
  design.parameters = list(),
  right = TRUE,
  groups = NULL,
  age.var = NULL,
  initial.ages = 0,
  age.unit = 1,
  time.intervals = NULL,
  nocc = NULL,
  output = TRUE,
  invisible = TRUE,
  adjust = TRUE,
  mixtures = 1,
  se = FALSE,
  filename = NULL,
  prefix = "mark",
  default.fixed = TRUE,
  silent = FALSE,
  retry = 0,
  options = NULL,
  brief = FALSE,
  realvcv = FALSE,
  delete = FALSE,
  external = FALSE,
  profile.int = FALSE,
  chat = NULL,
  reverse = FALSE,
  run = TRUE,
  input.links = NULL,
  parm.specific = FALSE,
  mlogit0 = TRUE,
  threads = -1,
  hessian = FALSE,
  accumulate = TRUE,
  allgroups = FALSE,
  strata.labels = NULL,
  counts = NULL,
  icvalues = NULL,
  wrap = TRUE,
  events = NULL,
  nodes = 101,
  useddl = FALSE,
  check.model = FALSE


model: a MARK object containing output and extracted results. It is a list with the following elements


name of the processed data frame


type of analysis model (see list above)


title used for analysis


descriptive name of model


vector of link function(s) used for parameters, one for each row in design matrix or only one if all parameters use the same function


number of mixtures in Pledger-style closed capture-recapture models


call to make.mark.model used to construct the model


a list of parameter descriptions including the formula, pim.type, link etc.


the list of parameter descriptions used in the call to mark; this is used only by rerun.mark


Intervals of time between the capture occasions


number of groups defined in the data


vector of labels for the groups


number of capture occasions


single time of vector of times (if different for groups) for the first capture occasion


vector of covariate names (as strings) used in the model


dataframe of parameters set at fixed values; index is the parameter index in the full parameter structure and value is the fixed value for the real parameter


design matrix used in the input to MARK.EXE


list of pims used for each parameter including any group or strata designations; each parameter in list is denoted by name and within each parameter one or more sub-lists represent groups and strata if any


design data used to construct the design matrix


labels for strata if any


structure used to simplify parameters that use mlogit links


list containing pim.translation which translate between all different and simplified pims, real.labels which are labels for real parameters for full (non-simplified) pim structure and links the link function names for the full parameter structure


List of values extracted from MARK ouput

lnl-2xLog Likelihood value
nparNumber of parameters (always the number of columns in design matrix)
npar.unadjustednumber of estimated parameters from MARK if different than npar
neffective sample size
AICcSmall sample corrected AIC using npar
AICc.unadjustedSmall sample corrected AIC using npar.unadjusted
betadata frame of beta parameters with estimate, se, lcl, ucl
realdata frame of real parameters with estimate, se, lcl, ucl and fixed
beta.vcvvariance-covariance matrix for beta
deriveddataframe of derived parameters if any
derived.vcvvariance-covariance matrix for derived parameters if any
covariate.valuesdataframe with fields Variable and Value
which are the covariate names and value used for real parameter
estimates in the MARK output
singularindices of beta parameters that are non-estimable or at a boundary
real.vcvvariance-covariance matrix for real parameters (simplified) if realvcv=TRUE


over-dispersion constant; if not present assumed to be 1


base portion of filenames for input,output, vc and residual files output from MARK.EXE



Either the raw data which is a dataframe with at least one column named ch (a character field containing the capture history) or a processed dataframe


Design data list which contains a list element for each parameter type; if NULL it is created


Time of first capture(release) occasion


Optional name for the model


Type of c-r model (eg CJS, Burnham, Barker)


Optional title for the MARK analysis output


List of model parameter specifications


Optional vector of named or unnamed initial values for beta parameters or previously run model object


Specification of any grouping variables for design data for each parameter


if TRUE, any intervals created in design.parameters are closed on the right and open on left and vice-versa if FALSE


Vector of names factor variables for creating groups


Optional index in groups vector of a variable that represents age


Optional vector of initial ages for each age level


Increment of age for each increment of time


Intervals of time between the capture occasions


number of occasions for Nest model; either time.intervals or nocc must be specified for this model


If TRUE produces summary of model input and model output


If TRUE, window for running MARK is hidden


If TRUE, adjusts npar to number of cols in design matrix, modifies AIC and records both


number of mixtures for heterogeneity model or number of secondary samples for MultScaleOcc model


if TRUE, se and confidence intervals are shown in summary sent to screen


base filename for files created by MARK.EXE. Files are named filename.*.


base filename prefix for files created by MARK.EXE; for example if prefix="SpeciesZ" files are named "SpeciesZnnn.*"


if TRUE, real parameters for which the design data have been deleted are fixed to default values


if TRUE, errors that are encountered are suppressed


number of reanalyses to perform with new starting values when one or more parameters are singular


character string of options for Proc Estimate statement in MARK .inp file


if TRUE and output=TRUE then a brief summary line is given instead of a full summary for the model


if TRUE the vcv matrix of the real parameters is extracted and stored in the model results


if TRUE the output files are deleted after the results are extracted


if TRUE the mark object is saved externally rather than in the workspace; the filename is kept in its place


if TRUE will compute profile intervals for each real parameter; or you can specify a vector of real parameter indices


value of chat used for profile intervals


if set to TRUE, will reverse timing of transition (Psi) and survival (S) in Multistratum models(starting with version 3.0.0 setting reverse=TRUE is not allowed)


if FALSE does not run model after creation


specifies set of link functions for parameters with non-simplified structure


if TRUE, forces a link to be specified for each parameter


if TRUE, any real parameter that is fixed to 0 and has an mlogit link will have its link changed to logit so it can be simplified


number of cpus to use with mark.exe if positive or number of cpus to remain idle if negative


if TRUE specifies to MARK to use hessian rather than second partial matrix


if TRUE accumulate like data values into frequencies


Logical variable; if TRUE, all groups are created from factors defined in groups even if there are no observations in the group


vector of single character values used in capture history(ch) for ORDMS, CRDMS, RDMSOccRepro models; it can contain one more value beyond what is in ch for an unobservable state except for RDMSOccRepro which is used to specify strata ordering (eg 0 not-occupied, 1 occupied no repro, 2 occupied with repro.


named list of numeric vectors (one group) or matrices (>1 group) containing counts for mark-resight models


numeric vector of individual covariate values for computation of real values


if TRUE, data lines are wrapped to be length 80; if length of a row is not a problem set to FALSE and it will run faster


vector of character events for Hidden Markov models


number of integration nodes for individual random effects (min 15, max 505, default 101)


if TRUE and no rows of ddl are missing (deleted) then it will use ddl in place of full.ddl that is created internally.


if TRUE, code does an internal consistency check between PIMs and design data when making model.


Jeff Laake


This function acts as an interface to the FORTRAN program MARK written by Gary White (http://www.phidot.org/software/mark/). It creates the input file for MARK based on user-specified sub-models (model.parameters) for each of the parameters in the capture-recapture model being fitted to the data. It runs MARK.EXE (see note below) and then imports the text output file and binary variance-covariance file that were created. It extracts output values from the text file and creates a list of results that is returned as part of the list (of class mark) which is the return value for this function.

The models that are currently supported are listed in MarkModels.pdf which you can find in the RMark sub-directory of your R Library. Also, they are listed under Help/Data Types in the MARK interface.

The function mark is a shell that calls 5 other functions in the following order as needed: 1) process.data, 2) make.design.data, 3) make.mark.model, 4) run.mark.model, and 5) summary.mark. A MARK model can be fitted with this function (mark) or by calling the individual functions that it uses. The calling arguments for mark are a compilation of the calling arguments for each of the functions it calls (with some arguments renamed to avoid conflicts). If data is a processed dataframe (see process.data) then it expects to find a value for ddl. Likewise, if the data have not been processed, then ddl should be NULL. This dual calling structure allows either a single call approach for each model or alternatively for the data to be processed and the design data (ddl) to be created once and then a whole series of models can be analyzed without repeating those steps.

For descriptions of the arguments data, begin.time, groups, age.var, initial.ages, age.unit, time.intervals and mixtures see process.data.

For descriptions of ddl, design.parameters=parameters, and right, see make.design.data.

For descriptions of model.name , model, title,model.parameters=parameters , default.fixed , initial, options, see make.mark.model.

And finally, for descriptions of arguments invisible, filename and adjust,see run.mark.model.

output,silent, and retry are the only arguments specific to mark. output controls whether a summary of the model input and output are given(if output=TRUE). silent controls whether errors are shown when fitting a model. retry controls the number of times a model will be refitted with new starting values (uses 0) when some parameters are determined to be non-estimable or at a boundary. The latter is the only time it makes sense to retry with new starting values but MARK cannot discern between these two instances. The indices of the beta parameters that are "singular" are stored in results$singular.

See Also

make.mark.model, run.mark.model, make.design.data, process.data, summary.mark


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