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This function estimates the probability of occurrence using presence-only data and spatially-referenced covariates. Species distribution maps can be created by plotting the expected values of occurrence probability. The model is described by Royle et al. (2012).
maxlike(formula, rasters, points, x=NULL, z=NULL,
link=c("logit", "cloglog"),
starts, hessian = TRUE, fixed, removeDuplicates=FALSE,
savedata=FALSE, na.action = "na.omit", ...)
A list with 8 components
data.frame containing the parameter estimates (Ests) and standard errors (SE).
variance-covariance matrix
the original call
The points removed due to missing values
The pixels removed due to missing values
The object returned by optim
A logical vector indicating if a parameter was estimated or fixed.
The link function
A right-hand side formula
describing the model.
At least 1 continuous covariate must be present in the formula.
The spatially-referenced covariate data formatted as a `raster
stack' created by the stack
in the raster-package
. It's a good idea to standardize
these by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard
deviation. This will make it easier for optim
to find
the maximum-likelihood estimates.
A matrix
or data.frame
with the X and Y
coordinates of the presence locations.
A matrix
or data.frame
with the explanatory
data for presence locations. In case data is provided for x
and z
, arguments rasters
and points
will be ignored
A matrix
or data.frame
with the explanatory
data for background locations. In case data is provided for x
and z
, arguments rasters
and points
will be ignored
The link function. Either "logit" (the default) or "cloglog".
Starting values for the parameters. This should be a vector with as many elements as there are parameters. By default, all starting values are 0, which should be adequate if covariates are standardized.
Logical. Should the hessian be computed and the variance-covariance matrix returned?
Optional vector for fixing parameters. It must be
of length equal to the number of parameters in the
model. If an element of fixed
is NA, then the parameter is
estimated, otherwise if it is a real number, the parameter is fixed
at this value.
Logical. Should duplicate points be removed? Defaults to FALSE, but note that the MAXENT default is TRUE.
Should the raster data be saved with the fitted model? Defaults to FALSE in order to reduce the size of the returned object. If you wish to make predictions, it is safer to set this to TRUE, otherwise the raster data are searched for in the working directory, and thus may not be the data used to fit the model.
See options
for choices
Additional arguments passed to optim
Maximizing the log-likelihood function is achieved using the
function, which can fail to find the global optima
if sensible starting values are not
supplied. The default starting values are rep(0, npars)
, which
will often be adequate if the covariates have been
standardized. Standardizing covariates is thus recommended.
Even when covariates are standardized, it is always a good idea to try
various starting values to see if the
log-likelihood can be increased. When fitting models with many
parameters, good starting values can be found by fitting simpler
models first.
and rasters
should the same coordinate system. The program does not check
this so it is up to the user.
Royle, J.A., R.B. Chandler, C. Yackulic and J. D. Nichols. 2012. Likelihood analysis of species occurrence probability from presence-only data for modelling species distributions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00182.x
Fiske, I. and R.B. Chandler. 2011. unmarked: An R Package for Fitting Hierarchical Models of Wildlife Occurrence and Abundance. Journal of Statistical Software 43(10).
, raster
if (FALSE) {
# Carolina Wren data used in Royle et. al (2012)
# Covert data.frame to a list of rasters
rl <- lapply($, function(x) {
m <- matrix(x,$dim[1],$dim[2], byrow=TRUE)
r <- raster(m)
extent(r) <-$ext
# Create a raster stack and add layer names
rs <- stack(rl[[1]], rl[[2]], rl[[3]], rl[[4]], rl[[5]], rl[[6]])
names(rs) <- names($
# Fit a model
fm <- maxlike(~pcMix + I(pcMix^2) + pcDec + I(pcDec^2)+ pcCon +
I(pcCon^2) + pcGr + I(pcGr^2) +
Lat + I(Lat^2) + Lon + I(Lon^2), rs,$xy1,
method="BFGS", removeDuplicates=TRUE, savedata=TRUE)
# Produce species distribution map (ie, expected probability of occurrence)
psi.hat <- predict(fm) # Will warn if savedata=FALSE
points($xy1, pch=16, cex=0.1)
# MAXENT sets "default prevalence" to an arbitrary value, 0.5.
# We could do something similar by fixing the intercept at logit(0.5)=0.
# However, it seems more appropriate to estimate this parameter.
# fm.fix <- update(fm, fixed=c(0, rep(NA,length(coef(fm))-1)))
# Predict data.frame
presenceData <-,$xy1))
presenceData <- presenceData[complete.cases(presenceData), ]
presence.predictions <- predict(fm, newdata=presenceData)
# Calibrate with data.frames
PresenceUniqueCells <- unique(cellFromXY(rs,$xy1))
PresenceUnique <- xyFromCell(rs, PresenceUniqueCells)
presenceData <-, PresenceUnique))
background <- randomPoints(rs, n=ncell(rs), extf=1.00)
backgroundData <-, y=background))
backgroundData <- backgroundData[complete.cases(backgroundData), ]
fm2 <- maxlike(~pcMix + I(pcMix^2) + pcDec + I(pcDec^2)+ pcCon +
I(pcCon^2) + pcGr + I(pcGr^2) +
Lat + I(Lat^2) + Lon + I(Lon^2),
rasters=NULL, points=NULL,
x=presenceData, z=backgroundData,
method="BFGS", removeDuplicates=TRUE, savedata=TRUE)
fm2$rasters <- rs
psi.hat2 <- predict(fm2)
# Simulation example
x1 <- sort(rnorm(100))
x1 <- raster(outer(x1, x1), xmn=0, xmx=100, ymn=0, ymx=100)
x2 <- raster(matrix(runif(1e4), 100, 100), 0, 100, 0, 100)
# Code factors as dummy variables.
# Note, using asFactor(x3) will not help
x3 <- raster(matrix(c(0,1), 100, 100), 0, 100, 0, 100)
logit.psi <- -1 + 1*x1 + 0*x2
psi <- exp(logit.psi)/(1+exp(logit.psi))
r <- stack(x1, x2, x3)
names(r) <- c("x1", "x2", "x3")
pa <- matrix(NA, 100, 100)
pa[] <- rbinom(1e4, 1, as.matrix(psi))
pa <- raster(pa, 0, 100, 0, 100)
xy <- xyFromCell(pa, sample(Which(pa==1, cells=TRUE), 1000))
fm2 <- maxlike(~x1 + x2 + x3, r, xy)
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