mcmcrecord_admkr (x, inicost, mutsizp, errorsizp, warm = 100, M = 100, prob = 0.234, errorprob = 0.44, num_batch = 10, step = 10, data_x, data_y, xm, alpha = 0.05, mlike = c("Chib", "Geweke", "LaplaceMetropolis", "all"))
will alter depending on acceprance or rejection. As the number of iteration increases, the final acceptance probability will converge to the optimal rate, which is 0.234 for multiple parameterserrorsizp
will alter depending on acceprance or rejection. As the number of iteration increases, the final acceptance probability will converge to the optimal rate, which is 0.44 for single parameterMCMCrecord
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, logpriors_admkr
, loglikelihood_admkr
, warmup_admkr