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MAIT (version 1.6.0)

metaboliteTable: Metabolite table generator


Takes a MAIT-class object and builds a table with the information related to the significant features and their possible identifications.


metaboliteTable(MAIT.object, printCSVfile = FALSE)


A MAIT-class object where significant features have already been found.
A boolean parameter. Set to TRUE if a csv file should be written with the metabolite table.


An output table is stored in the folder (working directory)/Tables/SearchTable.csv having the fields:
  • First column: search ID number.
  • Second column (mz): Peak mass.
  • Third column(rt): Peak retention time (in minutes).
  • The columns from the third to the column labeled "p.adj" contain number of class samples where the peak has been detected and the intensities of the peak among samples.
  • The P.adjust column contains the corrected peak p-value using bonferroni.
  • The p column shows the peak p-value with no multiple test correction.
  • The Fisher column shows the FIsher test results for the peak. Each of the letters separated by the character "_" corresponds to a class value. Classes having the same letters are indistinguible whereas those having different letters are statistically different clases.
  • The isotopes column shows if the peak has been identified as a possible isotope.
  • The adduct column shows which kind of adduct or biotransformation could the peak be.
  • Column Name contains the name of the possible metabolite identification for the peak.
  • The column labeled spectra contains the spectral ID of the peak.
  • Column Biofluid shows if the identified search is stored as a biofluid in the input database or not.
  • The column ENTRY shows the database name of the entry for the metabolite.

See Also

identifyMetabolites spectralAnova spectralTStudent


Run this code
MAIT<-Biotransformations(MAIT.object = MAIT, peakPrecision = 0.005)
MAIT <- identifyMetabolites(MAIT.object = MAIT, peakTolerance = 0.005,polarity="positive")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab