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minimalizeCsf: Eliminate structural redundancies from csf


minimalizeCsf eliminates structural redundancies from complex solutions formulas (csf) by recursively testing their component atomic solution formulas (asf) for redundancy and eliminating the redundant ones.


minimalizeCsf(x, ...)

# S3 method for default minimalizeCsf(x, data = full.tt(x), verbose = FALSE, ...) # S3 method for cna minimalizeCsf(x, n = 20, verbose = FALSE, ...) # S3 method for minimalizeCsf print(x, subset = 1:5, ...)



In the default method, x is a character vector specifying csf. The cna method uses the strings representing the csf contained in an output object of cna (see details).


Data frame, matrix or truthTab with the data; optional if all factors in x are binary but required if some factors are multi-value.


Logical; if TRUE additional messages on the number of csf that are found to be reducible are printed.


Minimal number of csf to use.


Integer vector specifying the numbers of csf to be displayed.

Further arguments passed to the methods.


minimalizeCsf returns an object of class "minimalizeCsf", essentially a data frame.


Falk, Christoph: identification and solution of the problem of structural redundancies


The core criterion that Boolean dependency structures must satisfy in order to be causally interpretable is redundancy-freeness. In atomic solution formulas (asf), both sufficient and necessary conditions are completely free of redundant elements. However, when asf are conjunctively combined to complex solution formulas (csf), new redundancies may arise. A csf may contain redundant parts. To illustrate, assume that a csf is composed of three asf: asf1 * asf2 * asf3. It can happen that the conjunction asf1 * asf2 * asf3 is logically equivalent to a proper part of itself, say, to asf1 * asf2. In that case, asf3 is a so-called structural redundancy in asf1 * asf2 * asf3 and must not be causally interpreted. See the cna package vignette or Baumgartner and Falk (2018) for more details.

minimalizeCsf recursively tests the asf contained in a csf for structural redundancies and eliminates the redundant ones. It takes a character vector x specifying csf as input and builds all redundancy-free csf that can be inferred from x. The function is especially useful in combination with cna, which builds csf by conjunctively concatenating asf. One of the cna solution attributes, which is accessed via details = TRUE or details = "r", is called "redundant". If a csf output by cna has the attribute redundant == TRUE, that csf has at least one structurally redundant part. The cna function, however, does not identify those redundant parts. For this purpose, the cna object must be passed on to minimalizeCsf.

There are two possibilities to use minimalizeCsf. Either the csf to be tested for structural redundancies is passed to minimalizeCsf as a character vector (this is the default method), or minimalizeCsf is applied directly to the output of cna. In the latter case, the csf are extracted from the cna-object.

As a test for structural redundancies amounts to a test of logical equivalencies, it must be conducted relative to all logically possible configurations of the factors in x. That space of logical possibilities is generated by full.tt(x) if the data argument takes its default value. If all factors in x are binary, providing a non-default data value is optional and without influence on the output of minimalizeCsf. If some factors in x are multi-value, minimalizeCsf needs to be given the range of these values by means of the data argument. data can be a data frame or truthTab listing all possible value configurations.


Baumgartner, Michael and Christoph Falk. 2018. “Boolean Difference-Making: A Modern Regularity Theory of Causation”. PhilSci Archive. url: http://philsciarchive.pitt.edu/id/eprint/14876.

See Also

csf, cna, redundant, full.tt.


Run this code
# The default method.
minimalizeCsf("(f + a*D <-> C)*(C + A*B <-> D)*(c + a*E <-> F)")
minimalizeCsf("(f + a*D <-> C)*(C + A*B <-> D)*(c + a*E <-> F)", 
              verbose = TRUE) # Same result, but with some messages.

# The cna method.
dat1 <- selectCases("(C + A*B <-> D)*(c + a*E <-> F)")
ana1 <- cna(dat1, details = c("r"))
# The attribute "redundant" taking the value TRUE in ana1 shows that this csf contains 
# at least one redundant element. Only the application of minimalizeCsf() identifies 
# the redundant element.
# }
# Real data entailing a large number of csf with many redundancies.
tt.js <- fstt(d.jobsecurity)
cna.js <- cna(tt.js, con = .8, cov = .8)
minim100 <- minimalizeCsf(cna.js, n = 100) # may take a couple of seconds...
minim100  # By default the first 5 solutions are displayed. 
# }
# With mv data.
tt.pban <- mvtt(d.pban)
cna.pban <- cna(tt.pban, con = .75, cov = .75)
csf.pban <- csf(cna.pban, 100)
sol.pban <- csf.pban$condition

minim.pban <- minimalizeCsf(sol.pban, tt.pban)

# Alternatively, a more direct replication of the above using the cna method.
minim.pban <- minimalizeCsf(cna.pban, n = 100)
print(minim.pban, 1:50) # print the first 50 redundancy-free csf

# }

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