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mkGLMdf: Formats (lists of) spikeTrain and repeatedTrain Objects into Data Frame for use in glm, mgcv and gam


Given a spikeTrain or a repeatedTrain objects or a list of any of those two, mkGLMdf generates a data.frame, by discretizing time, allowing glm, gss and gam to be used with the poisson or binomial family to fit the spike trains.


mkGLMdf(obj, delta, lwr, upr)


a spikeTrain or a repeatedTrain objects or a list of any of those two.
the bin size used for time discretization (in s).
the time (in s) at which the recording window starts. If missing a value is obtained using the floor of the smallest spike time.
the time (in s) at which the recording window ends. If missing a value is obtained using the ceiling of the largest spike time.


A data.frame with the following variables:
an integer presence (1) or absence (0) of an event from a given neuron in the given bin.
time at bin center.
a factor giving the neuron to which this row of the data frame refers.
a numeric. x takes value 1, 2, ..., number of neurons present in obj. The time to the last event of the corresponding neuron.
The list has also few attributes: lwr, the start of the recording window; upr, the end of the recording window; delta, the bin width; call, the call used to generate the list.


The construction of the returned list is very clearly explained in Jim Lindsey's paper (1995). The idea has been used several time in the field: Brillinger (1988), Kass and Ventura (2001), Truccolo et al (2005).


Lindsey, J. K. (1995) Fitting Parametric Counting Processes by Using Log-Linear Models Applied Statistics 44: 201--212.

Brillinger, D. R. (1988) Maximum likelihood analysis of spike trains of interacting nerve cells Biol Cybern 59: 189--200.

Kass, Robert E. and Ventura, Val\'erie (2001) A spike-train probability model Neural Comput. 13: 1713--1720.

Truccolo, W., Eden, U. T., Fellows, M. R., Donoghue, J. P. and Brown, E. N. (2005) A Point Process Framework for Relating Neural Spiking Activity to Spiking History, Neural Ensemble and Extrinsic Covariate Effects J Neurophysiol 93: 1074--1089. http://jn.physiology.org/cgi/content/abstract/93/2/1074

See Also

data.frame, glm, gssanova, mgcv, as.spikeTrain, as.repeatedTrain


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ## Analysis of a "simple" spontaneous train
# ## load the data
# data(e060824spont)
# ## create a data frame using the 1st neuron
# DFA <- subset(mkGLMdf(e060824spont,0.004,0,59),neuron==1)
# ## Add the previous ISI to the data frame
# DFA <- within(DFA,i1 <- isi(DFA,lag=1))
# DFA <- DFA[complete.cases(DFA),]
# ## estimate the "map to uniform" functions for 2 variables:
# ## 1) the elapsed time since the last spike (lN.1)
# ## 2) the previous insterspike interval
# ## Do this estimation on the first half of the set
# m2u1 <- mkM2U(DFA,"lN.1",0,29)
# m2ui <- mkM2U(DFA,"i1",0,29,maxiter=200)
# ## create "mapped" variables
# DFA <- within(DFA,e1t <- m2u1(lN.1))
# DFA <- within(DFA,i1t <- m2ui(i1))
# ## split the data in 2 parts, one for the fit, the other for the test
# DFAe <- subset(DFA, time <= 29)
# DFAl <- subset(DFA, time > 29)
# ## fit an additive model with gssanova
# m1.fit <- gssanova(event ~ e1t + i1t,
#                    data = DFAe,
#                    family="binomial",
#                    seed=20061001)
# ## test the model by "time transforming" the late part
# tt.l <- m1.fit %tt% DFAl
# tt.l.summary <- summary(tt.l)
# tt.l.summary
# plot(tt.l.summary,which=c(1,2,4,6))
# ## Start with simulatd data #####
# ## Use thinning method and for that define a couple
# ## of functions
# ## expDecay gives an exponentially decaying
# ## synaptic effect followin a presynpatic spike.
# ## All the pre-synaptic spikes between "now" (argument
# ## t) and the previous spike of the post-synaptic
# ## neuron have an effect (and the summation is linear)
# expDecay <- function(t,preT,last,
#                      delay=0.002,tau=0.015) {
#   if (missing(last)) good <- (preT+delay) < t
#   else good <- last < preT & (preT+delay) < t
#   if (sum(good) == 0) return(0)
#   preS <- preT[good]
#   preS <- t-preS-delay
#   sum(exp(-preS/tau))
# }
# ## Same as expDecay except that the effect is pusle like
# pulseFF <- function(t,preT,last,
#                     delay=0.005,duration=0.01) {
#   if (missing(last)) good <- t-duration < (preT+delay) & (preT+delay) < t
#   else good <- t-duration < (preT+delay) & last < preT & (preT+delay) < t
#   sum(good)
# }
# ## The work horse. Given a pre-synaptic train (preT),
# ## a duration, lognormal parameters and a presynaptic
# ## effect fucntion, mkPostTrain simulates a log-linear
# ## post-synaptic train using the thinning method
# mkPostTrain <- function(preT,
#                         duration=60,
#                         meanlog=-2.4,
#                         sdlog=0.4,
#                         preFF=expDecay,
#                         beta=log(5),
#                         maxCI=30,
#                         ...) {
#   nuRest <- exp(-meanlog-0.5*sdlog^2)
#   poissonRest <- nuRest*ifelse(beta>0,exp(beta),1)
#   ciRest <- function(t) nuRest*exp(beta*preFF(t,preT,...))
#   poissonNext <- maxCI*ifelse(beta>0,exp(beta),1)
#   ci <- function(t,tLast) hlnorm(t-tLast,meanlog,sdlog)*exp(beta*preFF(t,preT,tLast,...))
#   vLength <- poissonRest*300
#   result <- numeric(vLength)
#   currentTime <- 0
#   lastTime <- 0
#   eventIdx <- 1
#   nextTime <- function(currentTime,lastTime) {
#     if (currentTime > 0) {
#       currentTime <- currentTime + rexp(1,poissonNext)
#       ciRatio <- ci(currentTime,lastTime)/poissonNext
#       if (ciRatio > 1) stop("Problem with thinning.")
#       while (runif(1) > ciRatio) {
#         currentTime <- currentTime + rexp(1,poissonNext)
#         ciRatio <- ci(currentTime,lastTime)/poissonNext
#         if (ciRatio > 1) stop("Problem with thinning.")
#       }
#     } else {
#       currentTime <- currentTime + rexp(1,poissonRest)
#       ciRatio <- ciRest(currentTime)/poissonRest
#       if (ciRatio > 1) stop("Problem with thinning.")
#       while (runif(1) > ciRatio) {
#         currentTime <- currentTime + rexp(1,poissonRest)
#         ciRatio <- ciRest(currentTime)/poissonRest
#         if (ciRatio > 1) stop("Problem with thinning.")
#       }
#     }
#     currentTime
#   }
#   while(currentTime <= duration) {
#     currentTime <- nextTime(currentTime,lastTime)
#     result[eventIdx] <- currentTime
#     lastTime <- currentTime
#     eventIdx <- eventIdx+1
#     if (eventIdx > vLength) {
#       result <- c(result,numeric(vLength))
#       vLength <- length(result)
#     }
#   }
#   result[result > 0]
# }
# ## set the rng seed
# set.seed(11006,"Mersenne-Twister")
# ## generate a log-normal pre train
# preTrain <- cumsum(rlnorm(1000,-2.4,0.4))
# preTrain <- preTrain[preTrain < 60]
# ## generate a post synaptic train with an
# ## exponentially decaying pre-synaptic excitation
# post1 <- mkPostTrain(preTrain)
# ## generate a post synaptic train with a
# ## pulse-like pre-synaptic excitation
# post2 <- mkPostTrain(preTrain,preFF=pulseFF)
# ## generate a post synaptic train with a
# ## pulse-like pre-synaptic inhibition
# post3 <- mkPostTrain(preTrain,preFF=pulseFF,beta=-log(5))
# ## make a list of spikeTrain objects out of that
# interData <- list(pre=as.spikeTrain(preTrain),
#                   post1=as.spikeTrain(post1),
#                   post2=as.spikeTrain(post2),
#                   post3=as.spikeTrain(post3))
# ## remove the trains
# rm(preTrain,post1,post2,post3)
# ## look at them
# interData[["pre"]]
# interData[["post1"]]
# interData[["post2"]]
# interData[["post3"]]
# ## compute cross-correlograms
# interData.lt1 <- lockedTrain(interData[["pre"]],interData[["post1"]],laglim=c(-0.03,0.05),c(0,60))
# interData.lt2 <- lockedTrain(interData[["pre"]],interData[["post2"]],laglim=c(-0.03,0.05),c(0,60))
# interData.lt3 <- lockedTrain(interData[["pre"]],interData[["post3"]],laglim=c(-0.03,0.05),c(0,60))
# ## look at the cross-raster plots
# interData.lt1
# interData.lt2
# interData.lt3
# ## look at the corresponding histograms
# hist(interData.lt1,bw=0.0025)
# hist(interData.lt2,bw=0.0025)
# hist(interData.lt3,bw=0.0025)
# ## check out what goes on between post2 and post1
# interData.lt1v2 <- lockedTrain(interData[["post2"]],interData[["post1"]],laglim=c(-0.03,0.05),c(0,60))
# interData.lt1v2
# hist(interData.lt1v2,bw=0.0025)
# ## fine
# ## create a GLM data frame using a 1 ms bin width
# dfAll <- mkGLMdf(interData,delta=0.001,lwr=0,upr=60)
# ## build the sub-list relating to neuron 2
# dfN2 <- dfAll[dfAll$neuron=="2",]
# ## fit dfN2 with a smooth effect for the elasped time since the last
# ## event of neuron 2 and another one with the elasped time since the
# ## last event from neuron 1. Use moroever only the events for which the
# ## the last event from neuron 1 occurred at most 100 ms ago.
# dfN2.fit0 <- gam(event ~ s(lN.1,bs="cr") + s(lN.2,bs="cr"), data=dfN2, family=poisson, subset=(dfN2$lN.1 <=0.1))
# ## look at the summary
# summary(dfN2.fit0)
# ## plot the smooth term of neuron 1
# plot(dfN2.fit0,select=1,rug=FALSE,ylim=c(-0.8,0.8))
# ## Can you see the exponential presynatic effect with
# ## a 15 ms decay time appearing?
# ## Now check the dependence on lN.2
# xx <- seq(0.001,0.3,0.001)
# ## plot the estimated conditional intensity when the last spike
# ## from neuron 1 came a long time ago (100 ms)
# plot(xx,exp(predict(dfN2.fit0,data.frame(lN.1=rep(100,300)*0.001,lN.2=(1:300)*0.001))),type="l")
# ## add a line for the true conditional intensity
# lines(xx,hlnorm(xx,-2.4,0.4)*0.001,col=2)
# ## do the same thing for the survival function
# plot(xx,exp(-cumsum(exp(predict(dfN2.fit0,data.frame(lN.1=rep(100,300)*0.001,lN.2=(1:300)*0.001))))),type="l")
# lines(xx,plnorm(xx,-2.4,0.4,lower.tail=FALSE),col=2)
# ## use gssanova
# ## split the data set in 2 parts, one for the fit, the other for the
# ## test
# dfN2e <- dfN2[dfN2$time <= 20,]
# dfN2l <- dfN2[dfN2$time > 20,]
# ## fit the same model as before with gssanova
# dfN2.fit1 <- gssanova(event ~ lN.1 + lN.2, data=dfN2e, family="poisson", seed=20061001) 
# ## plot the effect of neuron 1
# pred1 <- predict(dfN2.fit1,data.frame(lN.1=seq(0.001,0.220,0.001),
#                                       lN.2=rep(median(dfN2e$lN.2),220)),
#                  se=TRUE)
# plot(seq(0.001,0.220,0.001),
#      pred1$fit,type="l",
#      ylim=c(min(pred1$fit-1.96*pred1$se.fit),max(pred1$fit+1.96*pred1$se.fit))
#     )
# lines(seq(0.001,0.220,0.001),pred1$fit-1.96*pred1$se.fit,lty=2)
# lines(seq(0.001,0.220,0.001),pred1$fit+1.96*pred1$se.fit,lty=2)
# ## transform the time of the late part of the train
# ## first make sure than lN.1 and lN.2 are within the right bounds
# m1 <- max(dfN2e$lN.1)
# m2 <- max(dfN2e$lN.2)
# dfN2l$lN.1 <- sapply(dfN2l$lN.1, function(x) min(m1,x))
# dfN2l$lN.2 <- sapply(dfN2l$lN.2, function(x) min(m2,x))
# predl <- predict(dfN2.fit1,dfN2l)
# Lambda <- cumsum(exp(predl))
# ttl <- mkCPSP(Lambda[dfN2l$event==1])
# ttl
# plot(summary(ttl))
# ## see what happens without time transformation
# rtl <- mkCPSP(dfN2l$time[dfN2l$event==1])
# plot(summary(rtl))
# ## Now repeat the fit including a possible contribution from neuron 3
# dfN2.fit1 <- gam(event ~ s(lN.1,bs="cr") + s(lN.2,bs="cr") + s(lN.3,bs="cr"), data=dfN2, family=poisson, subset=(dfN2$lN.1 <=0.1) & (dfN2$lN.3 <= 0.1)) 
# ## Use the summary to see if the new element brings something
# summary(dfN2.fit1)
# ## It does not!
# ## Now look at neurons 3 and 4 (ie, post2 and post3)
# dfN3 <- dfAll[dfAll$neuron=="3",]
# dfN3.fit0 <- gam(event ~ s(lN.1,k=20,bs="cr") + s(lN.3,k=15,bs="cr"),data=dfN3,family=poisson, subset=(dfN3$lN.1 <=0.1))
# summary(dfN3.fit0)
# plot(dfN3.fit0,select=1,ylim=c(-1.5,1.8),rug=FALSE)
# dfN4 <- dfAll[dfAll$neuron=="4",]
# dfN4.fit0 <- gam(event ~ s(lN.1,k=20,bs="cr") + s(lN.4,k=15,bs="cr"),data=dfN4,family=poisson, subset=(dfN4$lN.1 <=0.1))
# summary(dfN4.fit0)
# plot(dfN4.fit0,select=1,ylim=c(-1.8,1.5),rug=FALSE)
# ## End(Not run)

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