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sparklyr (version 0.3.11)

ml_one_vs_rest: Spark ML -- One vs Rest


Perform regression or classification using one vs rest.


ml_one_vs_rest(x, classifier, response, features, ml.options = ml_options(), ...)


An object coercable to a Spark DataFrame (typically, a tbl_spark).
The classifier model. Can be obtained using the only_model parameter.
The name of the response vector (as a length-one character vector), or a formula, giving a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. When response is a formula, it is used in preference to other parameters to set the response, features, and intercept parameters (if available). Currently, only simple linear combinations of existing parameters is supposed; e.g. response ~ feature1 + feature2 + .... The intercept term can be omitted by using - 1 in the model fit.
The name of features (terms) to use for the model fit.
Optional arguments, used to affect the model generated. See ml_options for more details.
Optional arguments; currently unused.

See Also

Other Spark ML routines: ml_als_factorization, ml_decision_tree, ml_generalized_linear_regression, ml_gradient_boosted_trees, ml_kmeans, ml_lda, ml_linear_regression, ml_logistic_regression, ml_multilayer_perceptron, ml_naive_bayes, ml_pca, ml_random_forest, ml_survival_regression