Learn R Programming

sommer (version 4.1.1)

mmer: mixed model equations in R


Fits a multivariate/univariate linear mixed model by likelihood methods (REML). The optimization methods are; Direct-Inversion Newton-Raphson (NR), Average Information (AI) (Tunnicliffe 1989; Lee et al. 2015; Maier et al. 2015), and Efficient Mixed Model Association (EMMA) (Kang et al. 2008) coded in C++ using the Armadillo library to opmitime dense matrix operations common in the derect-inversion algorithms. These algorithms are intended to be used for problems of the type p > n or dense matrices. For problems with sparse covariance structures, or problems of the type n > p, the MME-based algorithms are faster and we recommend to shift to the use of such software (i.e. lme4, breedR, or asreml-R).

The package also provides functions to estimate additive (A.mat), dominance (D.mat), and epistatic (E.mat) relationship matrices to model known covariances among genotypes typical in plant and animal breeding problems. Other functions to build known covariance structures among levels of random effects are autoregresive (AR1), compound symmetry (CS) and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) where the user needs to fix the correlation value for such models (this is different to estimating unknown covariance structures). Additionally, overlayed models can be implemented as well (overlay function). Spatial modeling can be done through the two dimensional splines (spl2D). Random regression models can also be fitted through the (leg) function (orthopolynom package installation is needed for using the leg function).

The sommer package is updated on CRAN every 3-months due to CRAN policies but you can find the latest source at https://github.com/covaruber/sommer . This can be easily installed typing the following in the R console:



This is recommended since bugs fixes will be immediately available in the GitHub source. For tutorials on how to perform different analysis with sommer please look at the vignettes by typing in the terminal:





or visit https://covaruber.github.io


mmer(fixed, random, rcov, data, weights, iters=20, tolpar = 1e-03, 
     tolparinv = 1e-06, init=NULL, constraints=NULL,method="NR", getPEV=TRUE,
     na.method.X="exclude", na.method.Y="exclude",return.param=FALSE, 
     date.warning=TRUE,verbose=TRUE, reshape.output=TRUE)



A formula specifying the response variable(s) and fixed effects, i.e:

response ~ covariate for univariate models

cbind(response.i,response.j) ~ covariate for multivariate models

The fcm() function can be used to constrain fixed effects in multi-response models.


A formula specifying the name of the random effects, i.e. random= ~ genotype + year.

Useful functions can be used to fit heterogeneous variances and other special models (see 'Special Functions' in the Details section for more information):

vs(...,Gu,Gt,Gtc) is the main function to specify variance models and special structures for random effects. On the ... argument you provide the unknown variance-covariance structures (i.e. us,ds,at,cs) and the random effect where such covariance structure will be used (the random effect of interest). Gu is used to provide known covariance matrices among the levels of the random effect, Gt initial values and Gtc for constraints. Auxiliar functions for building the variance models are:

** ds(x), us(x), cs(x) and at(x,levs) can be used to specify unknown diagonal, unstructured and customized unstructured and diagonal covariance structures to be estimated by REML.

** unsm(x), uncm(x), fixm(x) and diag(x) can be used to build easily matrices to specify constraints in the Gtc argument of the vs() function.

** overlay(), spl2D(), and leg() functions can be used to specify overlayed of design matrices of random effects, two dimensional spline and random regression models within the vs() function.


A formula specifying the name of the error term, i.e. rcov= ~ units.

Special heterogeneous and special variance models and constraints for the residual part are the same used on the random term but the name of the random effect is always "units" which can be thought as a column with as many levels as rows in the data, i.e. rcov=~vs(ds(covariate),units)


A data frame containing the variables specified in the formulas for response, fixed, and random effects.


Name of the covariate for weights. To be used for the product R = Wsi*R*Wsi, where * is the matrix product, Wsi is the square root of the inverse of W and R is the residual matrix.


Maximum number of iterations allowed.


Convergence criteria for the change in log-likelihood.


Tolerance parameter for matrix inverse used when singularities are encountered in the estimation procedure.


Initial values for the variance components. By default this is NULL and initial values for the variance components are provided by the algorithm, but in case the user want to provide initial values for ALL var-cov components this argument is functional. It has to be provided as a list, where each list element corresponds to one random effect (1x1 matrix) and if multitrait model is pursued each element of the list is a matrix of variance covariance components among traits for such random effect. Initial values can also be provided in the Gt argument of the vs function. Is highly encouraged to use the Gt and Gtc arguments of the vs function instead of this argument, but these argument can be used to provide all initial values at once


When initial values are provided these have to be accompanied by their constraints. See the vs function for more details on the constraints. Is highly encouraged to use the Gt and Gtc arguments of the vs function instead of this argument but these argument can be used to provide all constraints at once.


This refers to the method or algorithm to be used for estimating variance components. Direct-inversion Newton-Raphson NR and Average Information AI (Tunnicliffe 1989; Gilmour et al. 1995; Lee et al. 2015).


A TRUE/FALSE value indicating if the program should return the predicted error variance and variance for random effects. This option is provided since this can take a long time for certain models where p is > n by a big extent.


One of the two possible values; "include" or "exclude". If "include" is selected then the function will impute the X matrices for fixed effects with the median value. If "exclude" is selected it will get rid of all rows with missing values for the X (fixed) covariates. The default is "exclude". The "include" option should be used carefully.


One of the three possible values; "include", "include2" or "exclude" (default) to treat the observations in response variable to be used in the estimation of variance components. The first option "include" will impute the response variables for all rows with the median value, whereas "include2" imputes the responses only for rows where there is observation(s) for at least one of the responses (only available in the multi-response models). If "exclude" is selected (default) it will get rid of rows in response(s) where missing values are present for at least one of the responses.


A TRUE/FALSE value to indicate if the program should return the parameters to be used for fitting the model instead of fitting the model.


A TRUE/FALSE value to indicate if the program should warn you when is time to update the sommer package.


A TRUE/FALSE value to indicate if the program should return the progress of the iterative algorithm.


A TRUE/FALSE value to indicate if the output should be reshaped to be easier to interpret for the user, some information is missing from the multivariate models for an easy interpretation.


If all parameters are correctly indicated the program will return a list with the following information:


the inverse of the phenotypic variance matrix V^- = (ZGZ+R)^-1


a list with the values of the variance-covariance components with one list element for each random effect.


a list with the values of the scaled variance-covariance components with one list element for each random effect.


Hessian matrix containing the variance-covariance for the variance components. SE's can be obtained taking the square root of the diagonal values of the Hessian.


a data frame for trait BLUEs (fixed effects).


a variance-covariance matrix for trait BLUEs


a list (one element for each random effect) with a data frame for trait BLUPs.


a list (one element for each random effect) with the variance-covariance matrix for trait BLUPs.


a list (one element for each random effect) with the predicted error variance matrix for trait BLUPs.


Fitted values y.hat=XB


Residual values e = Y - XB


Akaike information criterion


Bayesian information criterion


a TRUE/FALSE statement indicating if the model converged.


The values of log-likelihood and variance-covariance components across iterations during the REML estimation.


The method for extimation of variance components specified by the user.


Formula for fixed, random and rcov used.


contraints used in the mixed models for the random effects.


contraints used in the mixed models for the fixed effects.


dataset used in the model.


a vectorized version of the sigma element (variance-covariance components) to match easily the standard errors of the var-cov components stored in the element sigmaSE.


The use of this function requires a good understanding of mixed models. Please review the 'sommer.quick.start' vignette and pay attention to details like format of your random and fixed variables (i.e. character and factor variables have different properties when returning BLUEs or BLUPs, please see the 'sommer.changes.and.faqs' vignette).


Type citation("sommer") to know how to cite the sommer package in your publications.

Use of Special Functions


can be used to specify heterogeneous variance for the "y" covariate at specific levels of the covariate "x", i.e. random=~vs(at(Location,c("A","B")),ID) fits a variance component for ID at levels A and B of the covariate Location.


can be used to specify a diagonal covariance structure for the "y" covariate for all levels of the covariate "x", i.e. random=~vs(ds(Location,ID) fits a variance component for ID at all levels of the covariate Location.


can be used to specify an unstructured covariance structure for the "y" covariate for all levels of the covariate "x", i.e. random=~vs(us(Location),ID) fits variance and covariance components for ID at all levels of the covariate Location.


can be used to specify overlay of design matrices between consecutive random effects specified, i.e. random=~vs(overlay(male,female)) overlays (overlaps) the incidence matrices for the male and female random effects to obtain a single variance component for both effects. The `rlist` argument is a list with each element being a numeric value that multiplies the incidence matrix to be overlayed. See overlay for details.Can be combined with vs().

vs(spl2D(x.coord, y.coord, at, at.levels))

can be used to fit a 2-dimensional spline (i.e. spatial modeling) using coordinates x.coord and y.coord (in numeric class). The 2D spline can be fitted at specific levels using the at and at.levels arguments. For example random=~vs(spl2D(x.coord=Row,y.coord=Range,at=FIELD)).


can be used to fit a random regression model using a numerical variable x that marks the trayectory for the random effect y. The leg function can be combined with the special functions ds, us at and cs. For example random=~vs(leg(x,1),y) or random=~vs(us(leg(x,1)),y).


can be used to constrain fixed effects in the multi-response mixed models. This is a vector that specifies if the fixed effect is to be estimated for such trait. For example fixed=cbind(response.i, response.j)~vs(Rowf, Gtc=fcm(c(1,0))) means that the fixed effect Rowf should only be estimated for the first response and the second should only have the intercept.

For a short tutorial on how to use this special functions you can look at the vignettes by typing in the terminal:


Bug report and contact

If you have any technical questions or suggestions please post it in https://stackoverflow.com or https://stats.stackexchange.com and send me an email with the link at cova_ruber@live.com.mx

If you have any bug report please go to https://github.com/covaruber/sommer or send me an email to address it asap, just make sure you have read the vignettes carefully before sending your question.

Example Datasets

The package has been equiped with several datasets to learn how to use the sommer package:

* DT_halfdiallel and DT_fulldiallel datasets have examples to fit half and full diallel designs.

* DT_h2 to calculate heritability

* DT_cornhybrids and DT_technow datasets to perform genomic prediction in hybrid single crosses

* DT_wheat dataset to do genomic prediction in single crosses in species displaying only additive effects.

* DT_cpdata dataset to fit genomic prediction models within a biparental population coming from 2 highly heterozygous parents including additive, dominance and epistatic effects.

* DT_polyploid to fit genomic prediction and GWAS analysis in polyploids.

* DT_gryphon data contains an example of an animal model including pedigree information.

* DT_btdata dataset contains an animal (birds) model.

* DT_legendre simulated dataset for random regression model.

Additional Functions

Other standard functions such as summary, fitted, randef (notice here is randef not ranef), anova, predict, residuals, coef and plot applicable to typical linear models can also be applied to models fitted using the mmer function.

Additional functions for genetic analysis have been included such as heritability (h2.fun), build a genotypic hybrid marker matrix (build.HMM), plot of genetic maps (map.plot), creation of manhattan plots (manhattan). If you need to use pedigree you need to convert your pedigree into a relationship matrix (i.e. use the getA function from the pedigreemm package).

Useful functions for analyzing field trials are included such as the spl2D, spatPlots, and fill.design.

Models Enabled

For details about the models enabled and more information about the covariance structures please check the help page of the package (sommer).


Covarrubias-Pazaran G. Genome assisted prediction of quantitative traits using the R package sommer. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(6): doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156744

Covarrubias-Pazaran G. 2018. Software update: Moving the R package sommer to multivariate mixed models for genome-assisted prediction. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/354639

Bernardo Rex. 2010. Breeding for quantitative traits in plants. Second edition. Stemma Press. 390 pp.

Gilmour et al. 1995. Average Information REML: An efficient algorithm for variance parameter estimation in linear mixed models. Biometrics 51(4):1440-1450.

Kang et al. 2008. Efficient control of population structure in model organism association mapping. Genetics 178:1709-1723.

Lee, D.-J., Durban, M., and Eilers, P.H.C. (2013). Efficient two-dimensional smoothing with P-spline ANOVA mixed models and nested bases. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 61, 22 - 37.

Lee et al. 2015. MTG2: An efficient algorithm for multivariate linear mixed model analysis based on genomic information. Cold Spring Harbor. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/027201.

Maier et al. 2015. Joint analysis of psychiatric disorders increases accuracy of risk prediction for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. Am J Hum Genet; 96(2):283-294.

Rodriguez-Alvarez, Maria Xose, et al. Correcting for spatial heterogeneity in plant breeding experiments with P-splines. Spatial Statistics 23 (2018): 52-71.

Searle. 1993. Applying the EM algorithm to calculating ML and REML estimates of variance components. Paper invited for the 1993 American Statistical Association Meeting, San Francisco.

Yu et al. 2006. A unified mixed-model method for association mapping that accounts for multiple levels of relatedness. Genetics 38:203-208.

Tunnicliffe W. 1989. On the use of marginal likelihood in time series model estimation. JRSS 51(1):15-27.

Zhang et al. 2010. Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide association studies. Nat. Genet. 42:355-360.


Run this code
#### For CRAN time limitations most lines in the 
#### examples are silenced with one '#' mark, 
#### remove them and run the examples

#### Different models with sommer

DT <- DT_example

#### Univariate homogeneous variance models  ####

## Compound simmetry (CS) model
ans1 <- mmer(Yield~Env,
             random= ~ Name + Env:Name,
             rcov= ~ units,

#### Univariate heterogeneous variance models  ####

## Compound simmetry (CS) + Diagonal (DIAG) model
ans2 <- mmer(Yield~Env,
             random= ~Name + vs(ds(Env),Name),
             rcov= ~ vs(ds(Env),units),

####  Univariate unstructured variance models  ####

ans3 <- mmer(Yield~Env,
             random=~ vs(us(Env),Name),

# ####==========================================####
# #### Multivariate homogeneous variance models ####
# ####==========================================####
# ## Multivariate Compound simmetry (CS) model
# DT$EnvName <- paste(DT$Env,DT$Name)
# ans4 <- mmer(cbind(Yield, Weight) ~ Env,
#               random= ~ vs(Name, Gtc = unsm(2)) + vs(EnvName,Gtc = unsm(2)),
#               rcov= ~ vs(units, Gtc = unsm(2)),
#               data=DT)
# summary(ans4)
# ####=============================================####
# #### Multivariate heterogeneous variance models  ####
# ####=============================================####
# ## Multivariate Compound simmetry (CS) + Diagonal (DIAG) model
# ans5 <- mmer(cbind(Yield, Weight) ~ Env,
#               random= ~ vs(Name, Gtc = unsm(2)) + vs(ds(Env),Name, Gtc = unsm(2)),
#               rcov= ~ vs(ds(Env),units, Gtc = unsm(2)),
#               data=DT)
# summary(ans5)
# ####===========================================####
# #### Multivariate unstructured variance models ####
# ####===========================================####
# ans6 <- mmer(cbind(Yield, Weight) ~ Env,
#               random= ~ vs(us(Env),Name, Gtc = unsm(2)),
#               rcov= ~ vs(ds(Env),units, Gtc = unsm(2)),
#               data=DT)
# summary(ans6)
# ####=========================================####
# ####=========================================####
# #### EXAMPLE SET 2
# #### 2 variance components
# #### one random effect with variance covariance structure
# ####=========================================####
# ####=========================================####
# data("DT_cpdata")
# DT <- DT_cpdata
# GT <- GT_cpdata
# MP <- MP_cpdata
# head(DT)
# GT[1:4,1:4]
# #### create the variance-covariance matrix
# A <- A.mat(GT)
# #### look at the data and fit the model
# mix1 <- mmer(Yield~1,
#              random=~vs(id, Gu=A) + Rowf,
#              rcov=~units,
#              data=DT)
# summary(mix1)$varcomp
# #### calculate heritability
# pin(mix1, h1 ~ V1/(V1+V3) )
# #### multi trait example
# mix2 <- mmer(cbind(Yield,color)~1,
#               random = ~ vs(id, Gu=A, Gtc = unsm(2)) + # unstructured at trait level
#                             vs(Rowf, Gtc=diag(2)) + # diagonal structure at trait level
#                                 vs(Colf, Gtc=diag(2)), # diagonal structure at trait level
#               rcov = ~ vs(units, Gtc = unsm(2)), # unstructured at trait level
#               data=DT)
# summary(mix2)
# ####=========================================####
# #### EXAMPLE SET 3
# #### comparison with lmer, install 'lme4' 
# #### and run the code below
# ####=========================================####
# #### lmer cannot use var-cov matrices so we will not 
# #### use them in this comparison example
# library(lme4)
# library(sommer)
# data("DT_cornhybrids")
# DT <- DT_cornhybrids
# DTi <- DTi_cornhybrids
# GT <- GT_cornhybrids
# fm1 <- lmer(Yield ~ Location + (1|GCA1) + (1|GCA2) + (1|SCA),
#             data=DT )
# out <- mmer(Yield ~ Location,
#              random = ~ GCA1 + GCA2 + SCA,
#              rcov = ~ units,
#              data=DT)
# summary(fm1)
# summary(out)
# ### same BLUPs for GCA1, GCA2, SCA than lme4
# plot(out$U$GCA1$Yield, ranef(fm1)$GCA1[,1])
# plot(out$U$GCA2$Yield, ranef(fm1)$GCA2[,1])
# vv=which(abs(out$U$SCA$Yield) > 0)
# plot(out$U$SCA$Yield[vv], ranef(fm1)$SCA[,1])
# ### a more complex model specifying which locations
# head(DT)
# out2 <- mmer(Yield ~ Location,
#               random = ~ vs(at(Location,c("3","4")),GCA2) +
#                          vs(at(Location,c("3","4")),SCA),
#               rcov = ~ vs(ds(Location),units),
#               data=DT)
# summary(out2)

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab