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mclust (version 2.1-14)

mstepE: M-step in the EM algorithm for a parameterized MVN mixture model.


Maximization step in the EM algorithm for a parameterized MVN mixture model.


mstepE(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, ...)
mstepV(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, ...)
mstepEII(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, ...)
mstepVII(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, ...)
mstepEEI(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, eps, warnSingular, ...)
mstepVEI(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, eps, tol, itmax, warnSingular, ...)
mstepEVI(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, eps, warnSingular, ...)
mstepVVI(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, eps, warnSingular, ...)
mstepEEE(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, ...)
mstepEEV(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, eps, warnSingular, ...)
mstepVVV(data, z, equalPro, noise = FALSE, ...)


A numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Categorical variables are not allowed. If a matrix or data frame, rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables.
A matrix whose [i,k]th entry is the conditional probability of the ith observation belonging to the kth component of the mixture.
A logical value indicating whether or not the components in the model are present in equal proportions. The default is .Mclust$equalPro.
A logical value indicating whether or not the model includes a Poisson noise component. The default assumes there is no noise component.
A scalar tolerance for deciding when to terminate computations due to computational singularity in covariances. Smaller values of eps allows computations to proceed nearer to singularity. The default is .Mclust$eps
For models with iterative M-step ("VEI", "VEE", "VVE", "VEV"), a scalar tolerance for relative convergence of the parameters. The default is .Mclust$tol.
For models with iterative M-step ("VEI", "VEE", "VVE", "VEV"), an integer limit on the number of EM iterations. The default is .Mclust$itmax.
A logical value indicating whether or not a warning should be issued whenever a singularity is encountered. The default is .Mclust$warnSingular. Not used for models "EII", "VII", "EEE", "VVV".
Provided to allow lists with elements other than the arguments can be passed in indirect or list calls with do.call.


  • A list including the following components:
  • muA matrix whose kth column is the mean of the kth component of the mixture model.
  • sigmaFor multidimensional models, a three dimensional array in which the [,,k]th entry gives the the covariance for the kth group in the best model.
    For one-dimensional models, either a scalar giving a common variance for the groups or a vector whose entries are the variances for each group in the best model.
  • proA vector whose kth component is the mixing proportion for the kth component of the mixture model.
  • zA matrix whose [i,k]th entry is the conditional probability of the ith observation belonging to the kth component of the mixture.
  • modelNameA character string identifying the model (same as the input argument).
  • Attributes:"info" Information on the iteration. "warn" An appropriate warning if problems are encountered in the computations.
    { C. Fraley and A. E. Raftery (2002a). Model-based clustering, discriminant analysis, and density estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association 97:611-631. See http://www.stat.washington.edu/mclust. C. Fraley and A. E. Raftery (2002b). MCLUST:Software for model-based clustering, density estimation and discriminant analysis. Technical Report, Department of Statistics, University of Washington. See http://www.stat.washington.edu/mclust. } mstep, me, estep, mclustOptions data(iris) irisMatrix <- as.matrix(iris[,1:4]) irisClass <- iris[,5]

    mstepVII(data = irisMatrix, z = unmap(irisClass))
