A multiple GARCH or ARFIMA spec object of class '>uGARCHmultispec
and '>ARFIMAmultispec.
A positive integer indicating the number of periods before the last to keep for
out of sample forecasting (see details).
A multivariate data object of class xts or coercible to such.
One of either “nlminb” or “solnp”.
Control arguments list passed to optimizer.
Control arguments passed to the fitting routine. Stationarity (only for the
GARCH case) explicitly imposes the variance stationarity constraint during
optimization. The fixed.se argument controls whether standard errors should be
calculated for those parameters which were fixed (through the fixed.pars
argument of the ugarchspec or arfimaspec functions).
The scale parameter controls whether the data should be scaled before being
submitted to the optimizer, while the rec.init option controls the recursion
initialization method and only valid for GARCH models.
A cluster object created by calling makeCluster from the parallel
package. If it is not NULL, then this will be used for parallel estimation.
A '>uGARCHmultifit or '>ARFIMAmultifit
object containing details of the GARCH or ARFIMA fits.