# Make a few dimensions we can use
nx <- 3
ny <- 4
nt <- 5
xvals <- (1:nx)*100.
dimX <- ncdim_def( "X", "meters", xvals )
dimY <- ncdim_def( "Y", "meters", (1:ny)*100. )
dimT <- ncdim_def( "Time", "seconds", (1:nt)/100., unlim=TRUE )
# Make varables of various dimensionality, for illustration purposes
mv <- 1.e30 # missing value to use
var1d <- ncvar_def( "var1d", "units", dimX, mv )
var2d <- ncvar_def( "var2d", "units", list(dimX,dimY), mv )
var3d <- ncvar_def( "var3d", "units", list(dimX,dimY,dimT), mv )
# Create the test file
nc <- nc_create( "writevals.nc", list(var1d,var2d,var3d) )
# Write some data to the file
data1d <- runif(nx)
ncvar_put( nc, var1d, data1d ) # no start or count: write all values
ncvar_put( nc, var1d, 27.5, start=3, count=1 ) # Write a value to the third slot
data2d <- runif(nx*ny)
ncvar_put( nc, var2d, data2d ) # no start or count: write all values
# Write a 1-d slice to the 2d var
ncvar_put( nc, var2d, data1d, start=c(1,2), count=c(nx,1) )
# Note how "-1" in the count means "the whole dimension length",
# which equals nx in this case
ncvar_put( nc, var2d, data1d, start=c(1,3), count=c(-1,1) )
# The 3-d variable has an unlimited dimension. We will loop over the timesteps,
# writing one 2-d slice per timestep.
for( i in 1:nt)
ncvar_put( nc, var3d, data2d, start=c(1,1,i), count=c(-1,-1,1) )
# Illustrate creating a character type variable
cnames <- c("red", "orange", "green", "yellow", "puce", "colorwithverylongname" )
nstrings <- length(cnames)
# Make dimensions. Setting "dimnchar" to have a length of 12
# means that the maximum color name
# length can be 12. Longer names will be truncated to this.
# We don't need dimvars for this example.
dimnchar <- ncdim_def("nchar", "", 1:12, create_dimvar=FALSE )
dimcolorno <- ncdim_def("colorno", "", 1:nstrings, create_dimvar=FALSE )
# NOTE in the following call that units is set to the empty string (""),
# which suppresses creation of a units attribute, and the missing value
# is entirely omitted, which suppresses creation of the missing value att
varcolors <- ncvar_def("colors", "", list(dimnchar, dimcolorno),
prec="char" )
ncid <- nc_create( "colornames.nc", list(varcolors) )
ncvar_put( ncid, "colors", cnames, verbose=TRUE )
nc_close( ncid )
# }
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