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ndtv (version 0.12.3)

ndtv-package: Network Dynamic Temporal Visualization (ndtv)


Construct visualizations such as timelines and animated movies of networkDynamic objects to show changes in structure and attributes over time.



For version and license information, run packageDescription('ndtv')

Uses network objects with dynamics encoded using networkDynamic.

Key features:

To view package vignettes and extended examples, see browseVignettes(package='ndtv').

For a more indpeth tutorial, see http://statnet.csde.washington.edu/workshops/SUNBELT/current/ndtv/ndtv_workshop.html

The package includes several example datasets:

  • msm.sim output of a stergm simulation of basic sex contact network model

  • short.stergm.sim Very Very Basic stergm simulation output (25 time steps)

  • stergm.sim.1 Very Very Basic stergm simulation output (100 time steps)

  • toy_epi_sim Toy Epidemic Simulation Output from the EpiModel package

Report bugs at: https://github.com/statnet/ndtv/issues


Bender-deMoll, S., Morris, M. and Moody, J. (2008) Prototype Packages for Managing and Animating Longitudinal Network Data: dynamicnetwork and rSoNIA Journal of Statistical Software 24:7.

Hunter DR, Handcock MS, Butts CT, Goodreau SM, Morris M (2008b). ergm: A Package to Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks. Journal of Statistical Software, 24(3). http://www.jstatsoft.org/v24/i03/.

Butts CT (2008). network: A Package for Managing Relational Data in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 24(2). http://www.jstatsoft.org/v24/i02/.

Carter T. Butts, Ayn Leslie-Cook, Pavel N. Krivitsky and Skye Bender-deMoll (2015). networkDynamic: Dynamic Extensions for Network Objects. R package version 0.7. http://statnet.org

Skye Bender-deMoll and McFarland, Daniel A. (2006) The Art and Science of Dynamic Network Visualization. Journal of Social Structure. Volume 7, Number 2 http://www.cmu.edu/joss/content/articles/volume7/deMollMcFarland/

See Also

networkDynamic, compute.animation,render.animation for examples, and the package vignette vignette(package='ndtv').