doc = newXMLDoc()
# Simple creation of an XML tree using these functions
top = newXMLNode("a")
newXMLNode("b", attrs = c(x = 1, y = 'abc'), parent = top)
newXMLNode("c", "With some text", parent = top)
d = newXMLNode("d", newXMLTextNode("With text as an explicit node"), parent = top)
newXMLCDataNode("x <- 1\n x > 2", parent = d)
newXMLPINode("R", "library(XML)", top)
newXMLCommentNode("This is a comment", parent = top)
o = newXMLNode("ol", parent = top)
kids = lapply(letters[1:3],
newXMLNode("li", x))
addChildren(o, kids)
x = newXMLNode("block", "xyz", attrs = c(id = "bob"),
namespace = "fo",
namespaceDefinitions = c("fo" = ""))
xmlName(x, TRUE) == "fo"
# a short cut to define a name space and make it the prefix for the
# node, thus avoiding repeating the prefix via the namespace argument.
x = newXMLNode("block", "xyz", attrs = c(id = "bob"),
namespace = c("fo" = ""))
# name space on the attribute
x = newXMLNode("block", attrs = c("fo:id" = "bob"),
namespaceDefinitions = c("fo" = ""))
x = summary(rnorm(1000))
d = xmlTree()
d$addNode("table", close = FALSE)
d$addNode("tr", .children = sapply(names(x), function(x) d$addNode("th", x)))
d$addNode("tr", .children = sapply(x, function(x) d$addNode("td", format(x))))
# Just doctype
z = xmlTree("people", dtd = "people")
# no public element
z = xmlTree("people", dtd = c("people", "", ""))
# public and system
z = xmlTree("people", dtd = c("people", "//a//b//c//d", ""))
# Using a DTD node directly.
dtd = newXMLDTDNode(c("people", "", ""))
z = xmlTree("people", dtd = dtd)
x = rnorm(3)
z = xmlTree("r:data", namespaces = c(r = ""))
z$addNode("numeric", attrs = c("r:length" = length(x)), close = FALSE)
lapply(x, function(v) z$addNode("el", x))
# should give <r:data><numeric r:length="3"/></r:data>
# shows namespace prefix on an attribute, and different from the one on the node.
z = xmlTree()
namespace = c(r = "",
omg = ""),
close = FALSE)
x = rnorm(3)
z$addNode("r:numeric", attrs = c("omg:length" = length(x)))
z = xmlTree("people", namespaces = list(r = ""))
z$addNode("person", attrs = c(id = "123"), close = FALSE)
z$addNode("firstname", "Duncan")
z$addNode("surname", "Temple Lang")
z$addNode("title", "Associate Professor")
z$addNode("expertize", close = FALSE)
z$addNode("topic", "Data Technologies")
z$addNode("topic", "Programming Language Design")
z$addNode("topic", "Parallel Computing")
z$addNode("topic", "Data Visualization")
z$addNode("address", "4210 Mathematical Sciences Building, UC Davis")
txt = newXMLTextNode("x < 1")
txt # okay
saveXML(txt) # x < 1
# By escaping the text, we ensure the entities don't
# get expanded, i.e. < doesn't become <
txt = newXMLTextNode(I("x < 1"))
txt # okay
saveXML(txt) # x < 1
newXMLNode("r:expr", newXMLTextNode(I("x < 1")),
namespaceDefinitions = c(r = ""))
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