Learn R Programming

reports (version 0.1.4)

new_report: Report Template


Generate a report/paper template to increase efficiency.


new_report(report = "report", template = getOption("temp_reports"), bib.loc = getOption("bib.loc"), name = getOption("name_reports"), github.user = getOption("github.user"), sources = getOption("sources_reports"), path = getwd(), AN.xlsx = TRUE)


A character vector of length two or one: (1) the main directory name and (2) sub directory names (i.e., all the file contents will be imprinted with this name). If the length of report is one this name will be used as the main directory name and all sub directories and files.
A character string of the internal reports template or an external path to a template in the reports package style. This argument allows the user to change the contents of the report directory that is generated.
Optional path to a .bib resource.
The path to where the project should be created. Default is the current working directory.
A character string of the user's name to be used on the report.
GitHub user name (character string).
A vector of path(s) to other scripts to be sourced in the report project upon startup (adds this location to the report project's .Rprofile).
logical. If TRUE the article notes (AN) will be in .xlsx format. If FALSE the document will be a .csv file.


Creates a report template.


The user may want to set options for bib.loc, name_reports, temp_reports, github.user and sources_reports in the user's primary .Rprofile:
  1. bib.loc - The path to the users primary bibliography
  2. name_reports - The name to use on reports
  3. temp_reports - The primary template to use to generate reports (see template)
  4. github.user - GitHub user name
  5. sources_reports - Path(s) to additional files/scripts that should be included to be sourced in the project startup

Additional Guide

Introductory video http://youtu.be/cokNUTGtoM4

See Also

doc_temp, presentation


Run this code
## Not run: 
# new_report()
# ## End(Not run)

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