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lfe (version 2.5-1998)

nlexpect: Compute expectation of a function of the coefficients.


Use integration of the joint distribution of the coefficients to compute the expectation of some function of the coefficients. Can be used for non-linear inference tests.


nlexpect(est, fun, coefs, ..., tol = getOption("lfe.etol"), lhs = NULL, cv, istats = FALSE, flags = list(verbose = 0), max.eval = 100000L)


object of class "felm", a result of a call to felm.
function of coefficients to be integrated. Can also be a quoted expression.
character. Names of coefficients to test. Only needed if fun is a function.
other arguments passed to fun or the integration routine.
numeric. Tolerance for the computed probability.
character. Name of the left hand side, if est has more than one.
Covariance matrix to use in place of vcov(est)
logical. Should convergence information from the integration routine be included as attributes?
list. Additional flags for the underlying integration routine.
integer. Maximum number of integral evaluations.


The function nlexpect computes and returns the expectation of the function fun(beta), with beta a vector of coefficients. I.e., if the coefficients beta are bootstrapped a large number of times, nlexpect(est, fun) should be equal to mean(fun(beta)). Additional diagnostic output from cuhre is returned in attributes if istats=TRUE.


The function nlexpect integrates the function fun(x) over the multivariate normal distribution specified by the point estimates and the covariance matrix vcov(est). This is the expectation of fun(beta) if we were to bootstrap the data (e.g. by drawing the residuals anew) and do repeated estimations.

The list of coefficients used by fun must be specified in coefs.

If the function is simple, it can be specified as a quoted expression like quote(a*b+log(abs(d))). In this case, if coefs is not specified, it will be set to the list of all the variables occuring in the expression which are also names of coefficients.

fun may return a vector of values, in which case a vector of expectations is computed, like quote(c(a*b, a^3-b)). However, if the expressions contain different variables, like quote(c(a*b, d*e)), a quite compute intensive 4-dimensional integral will be computed, compared to two cheap 2-dimensional integrals if you do them separately.

You may of course also integrate inequalites like quote(abs(x1-0.2) > 0.2) to simulate the probability from t-tests or Wald-tests. See the examples.

The function you provide will get an argument ... if it does not have one already. It will also be passed an argument .z which contains the actual coefficients in normalized coordinates, i.e. if ch is the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix, and pt are the point estimates, the coefficients will be pt + ch %*% .s

The tol argument specifies both the relative tolerance and the absolute tolerance. If these should not be the same, specify tol as a vector of length 2. The first value is the relative tolerance, the second is the absolute tolerance. Termination occurs when at least one of the tolerances is met.

The ... can be used for passing other arguments to the integration routine cuhre.

See Also



Run this code

N <- 100
x1 <- rnorm(N)
# make some correlation
x2 <- 0.1*rnorm(N) + 0.1*x1
y <- 0.1*x1 + x2 + rnorm(N)
summary(est <- felm(y ~ x1 + x2))
pt1 <- coef(est)['x1']
pt2 <- coef(est)['x2']
# expected values of coefficients, should match the summary
# and variance, i.e. square of standard errors in the summary
nlexpect(est, quote(c(x1=x1,x2=x2,var=c((x1-pt1)^2,(x2-pt2)^2))))

# the covariance matrix:
nlexpect(est, tcrossprod(as.matrix(c(x1-pt1,x2-pt2))))

#Wald test of single variable
waldtest(est, ~x1)['p.F']
# the same with nlexpect, i.e. probability for observing abs(x1)>abs(pt1) conditional
# on E(x1) = 0.
nlexpect(est, (x1-pt1)^2 > pt1^2)
# which of course is the same as
2*nlexpect(est, x1 < 0)

# then a joint test. Here we find the probability that
# we are further from origo than the point estimates, measured
# in a variance normalized coordinate system.
waldtest(est, ~ x1 | x2)['p.F']
#inverse cholesky
ich <- solve(t(chol(vcov(est)[c('x1','x2'), c('x1','x2')])))
# convert to normalized coordinates
nz <- sum((ich %*% c(pt1,pt2))^2)
# find probability that we're further away
nlexpect(est, sum((ich %*% c(x1-pt1,x2-pt2))^2) > nz)
# or use the .z argument provided automatically
nlexpect(est, sum(.z^2) > nz, coefs=c('x1','x2'))

# Non-linear test:
f <- function(x) c(poly=x[['x1']]*(6*x[['x1']]-x[['x2']]^2))
waldtest(est, f)['p.F']
# In general, for a function f, the non-linear Wald test is something like
# the following:
# expected value of function
Ef <- nlexpect(est, f, coefs=c('x1','x2'))
# point value of function
Pf <- f(c(pt1,pt2))
# similar to a Wald test:
nlexpect(est, function(x) (f(x)-Ef)^2 > Pf^2, c('x1','x2'))
# one-sided
nlexpect(est, function(x) f(x)-Ef > abs(Pf), c('x1','x2'))
# other sided
nlexpect(est, function(x) f(x)-Ef < -abs(Pf), c('x1','x2'))

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