Provides several methods to normalize data from
a matrix.
They are organized in four main families : Strong Rescaling,
Median Centering, Mean Centering, Mean CenteringScaling.
For the first family, two sub-categories are available : the sum by columns
and the quantiles method.
For the three other families, two categories are available :
"Overall" which means that the value for each protein
(ie line in the expression data tab) is computed over all the samples ;
"within conditions" which means that the value for each protein
(ie line in the matrix) is computed condition
by condition.
normalizeD(qData, labels, family, method)
A dataframe that contains quantitative data.
A vector of strings containing the column "Label" of
the pData().
One of the following : Global Rescaling,
Median Centering, Mean Centering, Mean Centering Scaling.