RMSEA of the null model is calculated similar to the formula provided in the lavaan
package. The standard formula of RMSEA is
$$ RMSEA =\sqrt{\frac{\chi^{2}}{N \times df} - \frac{1}{N}} \times \sqrt{G} $$
where \(\chi^{2}\) is the chi-square test statistic value of the target model, \(N\) is the total sample size, \(df\) is the degree of freedom of the hypothesized model, \(G\) is the number of groups. Kenny proposed in his website that
"A reasonable rule of thumb is to examine the RMSEA for the null model and make sure that is no smaller than 0.158. An RMSEA for the model of 0.05 and a TLI of .90, implies that the RMSEA of the null model is 0.158. If the RMSEA for the null model is less than 0.158, an incremental measure of fit may not be that informative."
See http://davidakenny.net/cm/fit.htm.