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stplanr (version 0.6.2)

od_radiation: Function that estimates flow between points or zones using the radiation model


This is an implementation of the radiation model proposed in a paper by Simini et al. (2012).


od_radiation(p, pop_var = "population", proportion = 1)



A SpatialPoints dataframe, the first column of which contains a unique ID


A character string representing the variable that corresponds to the population of the zone or point


A number representing the proportion of the population who commute (1, the default, means 100 percent of the population commute to work)


Simini, F., Gonzalez, M.C., Maritan, A., Barabasi, A.L., 2012. A universal model for mobility and migration patterns. Nature. doi:10.1038/nature10856

See Also

Other od: dist_google(), od2line(), od2odf(), od_aggregate_from(), od_aggregate_to(), od_aggregate(), od_coords2line(), od_coords(), od_dist(), od_id, od_oneway(), od_to_odmatrix(), odmatrix_to_od(), points2flow(), points2odf(), sp_aggregate()


Run this code
# # load some points data
# data(cents)
# # plot the points to check they make sense
# plot(cents)
# class(cents)
# # Create test population to model flows
# set.seed(2050)
# cents$population <- runif(n = nrow(cents), min = 100, max = 1000)
# # estimate
# flowlines_radiation <- od_radiation(cents, pop_var = "population")
# flowlines_radiation$flow
# sum(flowlines_radiation$flow, na.rm = TRUE) # the total flow in the system
# sum(cents$population) # the total inter-zonal flow
# plot(flowlines_radiation, lwd = flowlines_radiation$flow / 100)
# points(cents, cex = cents$population / 100)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab