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BiocGenerics (version 0.18.0)

order: Ordering permutation


order returns a permutation which rearranges its first argument into ascending or descending order, breaking ties by further arguments.

NOTE: This man page is for the order S4 generic function defined in the BiocGenerics package. See ?base::order for the default method (defined in the base package). Bioconductor packages can define specific methods for objects (typically vector-like) not supported by the default method.


order(..., na.last=TRUE, decreasing=FALSE, method=c("shell", "radix"))


One or more vector-like objects, all of the same length.
na.last, decreasing, method
See ?base::order for a description of these arguments.


The default method (see ?base::order) returns an integer vector of length N where N is the common length of the input objects. This integer vector represents a permutation of N elements and can be used to rearrange the first argument in ... into ascending or descending order (by subsetting it).Specific methods defined in Bioconductor packages should also return an integer vector representing a permutation of N elements.

See Also

  • base::order for the default order method.

  • showMethods for displaying a summary of the methods defined for a given generic function.

  • selectMethod for getting the definition of a specific method.

  • order,Ranges-method in the IRanges package for an example of a specific order method (defined for Ranges objects).

  • BiocGenerics for a summary of all the generics defined in the BiocGenerics package.


Run this code
selectMethod("order", "ANY")  # the default method

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