Learn R Programming

osrm (version 4.1.1)

osrmRoute: Get the Shortest Path Between Two Points


Build and send an OSRM API query to get the travel geometry between two points. This function interfaces with the route OSRM service.
Use src and dst to get the shortest direct route between two points.
Use loc to get the shortest route between two points using ordered waypoints.


  overview = "simplified",
  osrm.server = getOption("osrm.server"),
  osrm.profile = getOption("osrm.profile")


The output of this function is an sf LINESTRING of the shortest route.

It contains 4 fields:

  • starting point identifier

  • destination identifier

  • travel time in minutes

  • travel distance in kilometers.

If src (or loc) is a vector, a data.frame or a matrix, the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the route is EPSG:4326 (WGS84).

If src (or loc) is an sfc or sf object, the route has the same CRS as src (or loc).

If overview is FALSE, a named numeric vector is returned. It contains travel time (in minutes) and travel distance (in kilometers).



starting point of the route. src can be:

  • a vector of coordinates (longitude and latitude, WGS 84),

  • a data.frame of longitudes and latitudes (WGS 84),

  • a matrix of longitudes and latitudes (WGS 84),

  • an sfc object of type POINT,

  • an sf object of type POINT.

If relevant, row names are used as identifiers.
If src is a data.frame, a matrix, an sfc object or an sf object then only the first row or element is considered.


destination of the route. dst can be:

  • a vector of coordinates (longitude and latitude, WGS 84),

  • a data.frame of longitudes and latitudes (WGS 84),

  • a matrix of longitudes and latitudes (WGS 84),

  • an sfc object of type POINT,

  • an sf object of type POINT.

If relevant, row names are used as identifiers.
If dst is a data.frame, a matrix, an sfc object or an sf object then only the first row or element is considered.


starting point, waypoints (optional) and destination of the route. loc can be:

  • a data.frame of longitudes and latitudes (WGS 84),

  • a matrix of longitudes and latitudes (WGS 84),

  • an sfc object of type POINT,

  • an sf object of type POINT.

The first row or element is the starting point then waypoints are used in the order they are stored in loc and the last row or element is the destination.
If relevant, row names are used as identifiers.


"full", "simplified" or FALSE. Use "full" to return the detailed geometry, use "simplified" to return a simplified geometry, use FALSE to return only time and distance.


pass an optional "exclude" request option to the OSRM API.




the base URL of the routing server.


the routing profile to use, e.g. "car", "bike" or "foot".


Run this code
if (FALSE) {
apotheke.df <- read.csv(system.file("csv/apotheke.csv", package = "osrm"))
apotheke.sf <- st_read(system.file("gpkg/apotheke.gpkg", package = "osrm"),
  quiet = TRUE
# Travel path between points
route1 <- osrmRoute(src = apotheke.sf[1, ], dst = apotheke.sf[16, ])
# Display paths
plot(st_geometry(apotheke.sf[c(1, 16), ]), col = "red", pch = 20, add = TRUE)

# Return only duration and distance
route3 <- osrmRoute(
  src = apotheke.df[1, c("lon", "lat")],
  dst = apotheke.df[16, c("lon", "lat")],
  overview = FALSE

# Using only coordinates
route4 <- osrmRoute(
  src = c(13.412, 52.502),
  dst = c(13.454, 52.592)

# Using via points
route5 <- osrmRoute(loc = apotheke.sf[c(1, 2, 4, 3), ])
plot(st_geometry(route5), col = "red", lwd = 2)
plot(st_geometry(apotheke.sf[c(1, 2, 4, 3), ]), add = TRUE)

# Using a different routing server
u <- "https://routing.openstreetmap.de/routed-foot/"
route5 <- osrmRoute(apotheke.sf[1, ], apotheke.sf[16, ], osrm.server = u)

# Using an open routing service with support for multiple modes
# see https://github.com/riatelab/osrm/issues/67
u <- "https://routing.openstreetmap.de/"
options(osrm.server = u)
route6 <- osrmRoute(apotheke.sf[1, ], apotheke.sf[16, ],
  osrm.profile = "bike"
route7 <- osrmRoute(apotheke.sf[1, ], apotheke.sf[16, ],
  osrm.profile = "car"
plot(st_geometry(route7), col = "green") # car
plot(st_geometry(route6), add = TRUE) # bike
plot(st_geometry(route5), col = "red", add = TRUE) # foot

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab