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secr (version 3.0.1)

par.secr.fit: Fit Multiple SECR Models


These functions are wrappers for secr.fit, region.N and derived that allow multiple models to be fitted simultaneously on multi-core machines.


par.secr.fit (arglist, ncores = 1, seed = 123, trace = TRUE, logfile = "logfile.txt", 
    prefix = "fit.")
par.derived (secrlist, ncores = 1, ...)
par.region.N (secrlist, ncores = 1, ...)


list of argument lists for secr.fit or a character vector naming such lists
integer number of cores to be used for parallel processing
integer pseudorandom number seed
logical; if TRUE intermediate output may be logged
character name of file to log progress reports
character prefix for names of output
other arguments passed to derived or region.N
secrlist object


For par.secr.fit - secrlist of model fits (see secr.fit). Names are created by prefixing prefix to the names of argslist. If trace is TRUE then the total execution time and finish time are displayed.

For par.derived - a list of dataframes output from derived, applied to each model in turn.

For par.region.N - a list of dataframes output from region.N, applied to each model in turn.


Any attempt in arglist to set ncores > 1 for a particular secr fit is ignored.

trace overrides any settings in arglist. Reporting of intermediate results is unreliable on Windows when ncores > 1.

It is convenient to provide the names of the capthist and mask arguments in each component of arglist as character values (i.e. in quotes); objects thus named are exported from the workspace to each worker process (see Examples).

See Also

secr.fit, region.N, derived, AIC.secr, predict.secr, Parallel


Run this code
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# fit0 <- list(capthist = 'captdata', model = g0~1) 
# fitb <- list(capthist = 'captdata', model = g0~b)
# fits <- par.secr.fit (c('fit0','fitb'), ncores = 2)
# AIC(fits)
# par.derived(fits, ncores = 2, se.esa = FALSE)
# par.region.N(fits, ncores = 2)
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab