## Traditional Method ##
## create 3-group data in lavaan example(cfa) data
HS <- lavaan::HolzingerSwineford1939
HS$ageGroup <- ifelse(HS$ageyr < 13, "preteen",
ifelse(HS$ageyr > 13, "teen", "thirteen"))
## specify and fit an appropriate null model for incremental fit indices
mod.null <- c(paste0("x", 1:9, " ~ c(T", 1:9, ", T", 1:9, ", T", 1:9, ")*1"),
paste0("x", 1:9, " ~~ c(L", 1:9, ", L", 1:9, ", L", 1:9, ")*x", 1:9))
fit.null <- cfa(mod.null, data = HS, group = "ageGroup")
## fit target model with varying levels of measurement equivalence
mod.config <- '
visual =~ x1 + x2 + x3
textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
speed =~ x7 + x8 + x9
miout <- measurementInvariance(mod.config, data = HS, std.lv = TRUE,
group = "ageGroup")
(fit.config <- miout[["fit.configural"]])
(fit.metric <- miout[["fit.loadings"]])
(fit.scalar <- miout[["fit.intercepts"]])
## Permutation Method ##
## fit indices of interest for multiparameter omnibus test
myAFIs <- c("chisq","cfi","rmsea","srmr","mfi","aic")
moreAFIs <- c("gammaHat","adjGammaHat")
## Use only 20 permutations for a demo. In practice,
## use > 1000 to reduce sampling variability of estimated p values
## test configural invariance
out.config <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, con = fit.config)
## test metric equivalence
out.metric <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, uncon = fit.config, con = fit.metric,
param = "loadings", AFIs = myAFIs,
moreAFIs = moreAFIs, null = fit.null)
summary(out.metric, nd = 4)
## test scalar equivalence
out.scalar <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, uncon = fit.metric, con = fit.scalar,
param = "intercepts", AFIs = myAFIs,
moreAFIs = moreAFIs, null = fit.null)
## Not much to see without significant DIF.
## Try using an absurdly high alpha level for illustration.
outsum <- summary(out.scalar, alpha = .50)
## notice that the returned object is the table of DIF tests
## visualize permutation distribution
hist(out.config, AFI = "chisq")
hist(out.metric, AFI = "chisq", nd = 2, alpha = .01,
legendArgs = list(x = "topright"))
hist(out.scalar, AFI = "cfi", printLegend = FALSE)
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