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permuteMeasEq: Permutation Randomization Tests of Measurement Equivalence and Differential Item Functioning (DIF)


The function permuteMeasEq accepts a pair of nested lavaan objects, the less constrained of which (uncon) freely estimates a set of measurement parameters (e.g., factor loadings, intercepts, or thresholds) in all groups, and the more constrained of which (con) constrains those measurement parameters to equality across groups. Group assignment is repeatedly permuted and the model is fit to each permutation, in order to produce an empirical distribution under the null hypothesis of no group differences, both for (a) changes in user-specified fit measures (see AFIs and moreAFIs) and for (b) the maximum modification index among the user-specified parameters (see param). This function is for testing measurement equivalence only across groups, not occasions. Configural invariance can also be tested by providing that fitted lavaan object to con and leaving uncon = NULL, in which case param must be NULL as well. Modification indices for equality constraints on parameters specified in param are calculated from the constrained model (con) using the function lavTestScore, which can also be used to request expected parameter changes if the user has a need for them.


permuteMeasEq(nPermute, con, uncon = NULL, null = NULL,
              param = NULL, AFIs = NULL, moreAFIs = NULL,
              maxSparse = 10, maxNonconv = 10, showProgress = TRUE)


An integer indicating the number of random permutations of group assignment used to form empirical distributions under the null hypothesis.
The constrained lavaan object, in which the parameters specified in param are constrained to equality across all groups. In the case of testing configural invariance, con is the configural model (implicitly,
Optional. The unconstrained lavaan object, in which the parameters specified in param are freely estimated in all groups. Only in the case of testing configural invariance should this argument be NULL.
Optional. A lavaan object, in which an alternative null model is fit (besides the default independence model specified by lavaan) for the calculation of incremental fit indices. See Widamin & Thompson (2003) for details. If
A character vector indicating which parameters are constrained across groups in con and are unconstrained in uncon. Parameter names must match those returned by names(coef(uncon)), but omitting any group-specific suf
A character vector indicating which alternative fit indices (or chi-squared itself) are to be used to test the multiparameter omnibus null hypothesis of no group differences in any parameters specified in param. Any fit measures returned by <
Optional. A character vector indicating which (if any) alternative fit indices returned by moreFitIndices are to be used to test the multiparameter omnibus null hypothesis of no group differe
An integer indicating the maximum number of consecutive times that randomly permuted group assignment can yield a sample in which at least one category (of an ordered indicator) is unobserved in at least one group, such that the same set of p
An integer indicating the maximum number of consecutive times that randomly permuted group assignment can yield a sample for which the model does not converge on a solution. If such a sample occurs, group assignment is randomly permuted again, repeatedly
Logical. Indicating whether to display a progress bar while permuting.


  • The permuteMeasEq object representing the results of testing measurement equivalence (the multiparameter omnibus test) and DIF (modification indices).


The multiparameter omnibus null hypothesis of measurement equivalence/invariance is that there are no group differences in any measurement parameters. This can be tested using the anova method on nested lavaan objects, as seen in the output of measurementInvariance, or by inspecting the change in alternative fit indices (AFIs) such as the CFI. See Cheung & Rensvold (2002) or Meade, Johnson, & Braddy (2008) for details. If the multiparameter omnibus null hypothesis is rejected, partial invariance can still be established by freeing parameters that differ across groups, while maintaining equality constraints for at least two other indicators per factor. Modification indices can be calculated from the constrained model (con), but multiple testing leads to inflation of Type I error rates. The permutation randomization method employed by permuteMeasEq creates a distribution of the maximum modification index if the null hypothesis is true, which allows the user to control the familywise Type I error rate in a manner similar to Tukey's q (studentized range) distribution for the Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) post hoc test.


Cheung, G. W., & Rensvold, R. B. (2002). Evaluating goodness-of-fit indexes for testing measurement invariance. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(2), 233-255. doi:10.1207/S15328007SEM0902_5 Meade, A. W., Johnson, E. C., & Braddy, P. W. (2008). Power and sensitivity of alternative fit indices in tests of measurement invariance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(3), 568-592. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.93.3.568 Widamin, K. F., & Thompson, J. S. (2003). On specifying the null model for incremental fit indices in structural equation modeling. Psychological Methods, 8(1), 16-37. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.8.1.16

See Also

TukeyHSD, measurementInvariance, measurementInvarianceCat


Run this code
## Traditional Method ##

## create 3-group data in lavaan example(cfa) data
HS <- lavaan::HolzingerSwineford1939
HS$ageGroup <- ifelse(HS$ageyr < 13, "preteen",
                      ifelse(HS$ageyr > 13, "teen", "thirteen"))

## specify and fit an appropriate null model for incremental fit indices
mod.null <- c(paste0("x", 1:9, " ~ c(T", 1:9, ", T", 1:9, ", T", 1:9, ")*1"),
              paste0("x", 1:9, " ~~ c(L", 1:9, ", L", 1:9, ", L", 1:9, ")*x", 1:9))
fit.null <- cfa(mod.null, data = HS, group = "ageGroup")

## fit target model with varying levels of measurement equivalence
mod.config <- '
visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9
miout <- measurementInvariance(mod.config, data = HS, std.lv = TRUE,
                               group = "ageGroup")

(fit.config <- miout[["fit.configural"]])
(fit.metric <- miout[["fit.loadings"]])
(fit.scalar <- miout[["fit.intercepts"]])

## Permutation Method ##

## fit indices of interest for multiparameter omnibus test
myAFIs <- c("chisq","cfi","rmsea","srmr","mfi","aic")
moreAFIs <- c("gammaHat","adjGammaHat")

## Use only 20 permutations for a demo.  In practice,
## use > 1000 to reduce sampling variability of estimated p values

## test configural invariance
out.config <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, con = fit.config)

## test metric equivalence
out.metric <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, uncon = fit.config, con = fit.metric,
                            param = "loadings", AFIs = myAFIs,
                            moreAFIs = moreAFIs, null = fit.null)
summary(out.metric, nd = 4)

## test scalar equivalence
out.scalar <- permuteMeasEq(nPermute = 20, uncon = fit.metric, con = fit.scalar,
                            param = "intercepts", AFIs = myAFIs,
                            moreAFIs = moreAFIs, null = fit.null)

## Not much to see without significant DIF.
## Try using an absurdly high alpha level for illustration.
outsum <- summary(out.scalar, alpha = .50)

## notice that the returned object is the table of DIF tests

## visualize permutation distribution
hist(out.config, AFI = "chisq")
hist(out.metric, AFI = "chisq", nd = 2, alpha = .01,
     legendArgs = list(x = "topright"))
hist(out.scalar, AFI = "cfi", printLegend = FALSE)

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