Learn R Programming

future (version 1.1.1)

plan: Plan how to resolve a future


This function allows you to plan the future, more specifically, it specifies how future():s are resolved, e.g. sequentially or in parallel.


plan(strategy = NULL, ..., substitute = TRUE, .call = TRUE)


The evaluation function (or name of it) to use for resolving a future. If NULL, then the current strategy is returned.
If TRUE, the strategy expression is substitute():d, otherwise not.
(internal) Used for recording the call to this function.
Additional arguments overriding the default arguments of the evaluation function.


If a new strategy is chosen, then the previous one is returned (invisible), otherwise the current one is returned (visibly).

Implemented evaluation strategies

  • eager: Resolves futures sequentially in the current R process.
  • lazy: Resolves futures synchronously (sequentially) in the current R process, but only if their values are requested. Futures for which the values are never requested will not be evaluated.
  • transparent: Resolves futures synchronously (sequentially) in the current R process and assignments will be done to the calling environment. Early stopping is enabled by default.
  • multisession: Resolves futures asynchronously (in parallel) in separate R sessions running in the background on the same machine.
  • multicore: Resolves futures asynchronously (in parallel) in separate forked R processes running in the background on the same machine. Not supported on Windows.
  • multiprocess: If multicore evaluation is supported, that will be used,
  • cluster: Resolves futures asynchronously (in parallel) in separate R sessions running typically on one or more machines.
  • remote: Resolves futures asynchronously in a separate R session running on a separate machine, typically on a different network.
Other package may provide additional evaluation strategies. Notably, the future.BatchJobs package implements a type of futures that will be resolved via job schedulers that are typically available on high-performance compute (HPC) clusters, e.g. LSF, Slurm, TORQUE/PBS, Sun Grid Engine, and OpenLava.


The default strategy is eager, but the default can be configured by option future.plan and, if that is not set, system environment variable R_FUTURE_PLAN. To reset the strategy back to the default, use plan("default").


Run this code
a <- b <- c <- NA_real_

# A lazy future
f <- future({
  a <- 7
  b <- 3
  c <- 2
  a * b * c
y <- value(f)
str(list(a=a, b=b, c=c)) ## All NAs

# An eager future
f <- future({
  a <- 7
  b <- 3
  c <- 2
  a * b * c
y <- value(f)
str(list(a=a, b=b, c=c)) ## All NAs

# A multicore future
f <- future({
  a <- 7
  b <- 3
  c <- 2
  a * b * c
y <- value(f)
str(list(a=a, b=b, c=c)) ## All NAs

## Multisession futures gives an error on R CMD check on
## Windows (but not Linux or OS X) for unknown reasons.
## The same code works in package tests.

# A multisession future
f <- future({
  a <- 7
  b <- 3
  c <- 2
  a * b * c
y <- value(f)
str(list(a=a, b=b, c=c)) ## All NAs

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