Plot Function for geomorph
# S3 method for gm.prcomp
axis1 = 1,
axis2 = 2,
phylo = FALSE,
phylo.par = list(edge.color = "black", edge.width = 1, edge.lty = 1, =
"black", node.pch = 21, node.cex = 1),
An object of class gm.prcomp
A value indicating which PC axis should be displayed as the X-axis (default = PC1)
A value indicating which PC axis should be displayed as the Y-axis (default = PC2)
A logical value indicating whether the phylogeny should be projected to PC space
A list of plotting parameters for the phylogeny edges (edge.color, edge.width, edge.lty) and nodes (, node.pch, node.cex)
other arguments passed to plot
An object of class "" is a list with components that can be used in other plot functions, such as the type of plot, points, a group factor, and other information depending on the plot parameters used.
NOTE: To visualize shape variation across PC axes, use picknplot.shape