Data frame with first two columns being cause and effect
directed phenotype pairs. Typically determined as
element from call to summary.qtlnet.
List of character names of loci by phenotype. Typically determined by
call to loci.qtlnet.
Name of color to use for phenotypes and QTLs, respectively.
Vertex colors in order of pheno-pheno edged augmented by
loci.list, by default determined by pheno.color and qtl.color.
Include QTL in graph if TRUE and loci.list is not NULL.
Uses the igraph package to create graph objects. These can be exported
to a variety of other modern graphics packages. graph.qtlnet is
synonymous with igraph.qtlnet.
Chaibub Neto E, Keller MP, Attie AD, Yandell BS (2010)
Causal Graphical Models in Systems Genetics: a unified
framework for joint inference of causal network and
genetic architecture for correlated phenotypes.
Ann Appl Statist 4: 320-339.