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Produces a histogram for a vector of values and adds a density curve of the distribution.
plotDensityHistogram( x, prob = FALSE, col = "gray", main = "", linecol = "black", lwd = 2, adjust = 1, bw = "nrd0", kernel = "gaussian", ... )
A vector of values.
If FALSE, then counts are displayed in the histogram. If TRUE, then the density is shown.
The color of the histogram bars.
The title displayed for the plot.
The color of the line in the plot.
The width of the line in the plot.
Passed to density. A lower value makes the density plot smoother.
Passed to density.
Other arguments passed to hist.
Produces a plot. Returns nothing.
The function relies on the hist function. The density curve relies on the density function.
plotNormalHistogram plotNormalDensity
# NOT RUN { ### Plot of residuals from a model fit with lm data(Catbus) model = lm(Steps ~ Sex + Teacher, data = Catbus) plotDensityHistogram(residuals(model)) # }
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