#### A Bradley-Terry example using icehockey data
## Fit the standard Bradley-Terry model, ignoring home advantage
standardBT <- BTm(outcome = result,
player1 = visitor, player2 = opponent,
id = "team", data = icehockey)
## comparing teams on a "level playing field"
levelBT <- BTm(result,
data.frame(team = visitor, home.ice = 0),
data.frame(team = opponent, home.ice = home.ice),
~ team + home.ice,
id = "team", data = icehockey)
## compare fit to observed proportion won
## exclude tied matches as not explicitly modelled here
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plotProportions(win = result == 1, loss = result == 0,
player1 = visitor, player2 = opponent,
abilities = BTabilities(standardBT)[,1],
data = icehockey, subset = result != 0.5,
main = "Without home advantage")
plotProportions(win = result == 1, loss = result == 0,
player1 = visitor, player2 = opponent,
home.adv = coef(levelBT)["home.ice"],
at.home1 = 0, at.home2 = home.ice,
abilities = BTabilities(levelBT)[,1],
data = icehockey, subset = result != 0.5,
main = "With home advantage")
#### A generalized Davidson example using football data
if (require(gnm)) {
## subset to first and last season for illustration
football <- subset(football, season %in% c("2008-9", "2012-13"))
## convert to trinomial counts
football.tri <- expandCategorical(football, "result", idvar = "match")
## add variable to indicate whether team playing at home
football.tri$at.home <- !logical(nrow(football.tri))
## fit Davidson model
Dav <- gnm(count ~ GenDavidson(result == 1, result == 0, result == -1,
home:season, away:season, home.adv = ~1,
tie.max = ~1,
at.home1 = at.home,
at.home2 = !at.home) - 1,
eliminate = match, family = poisson, data = football.tri)
## fit shifted & scaled Davidson model
shifScalDav <- gnm(count ~
GenDavidson(result == 1, result == 0, result == -1,
home:season, away:season, home.adv = ~1,
tie.max = ~1, tie.scale = ~1, tie.mode = ~1,
at.home1 = at.home,
at.home2 = !at.home) - 1,
eliminate = match, family = poisson, data = football.tri)
## diagnostic plots
main <- c("Davidson", "Shifted & Scaled Davidson")
mod <- list(Dav, shifScalDav)
names(mod) <- main
alpha <- names(coef(Dav)[-(1:2)])
## use football.tri data so that at.home can be found,
## but restrict to actual match results
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
for (i in 1:2) {
coef <- parameters(mod[[i]])
plotProportions(result == 1, result == 0, result == -1,
home:season, away:season,
abilities = coef[alpha],
home.adv = coef["home.adv"],
tie.max = coef["tie.max"],
tie.scale = coef["tie.scale"],
tie.mode = coef["tie.mode"],
at.home1 = at.home,
at.home2 = !at.home,
main = main[i],
data = football.tri, subset = count == 1)
# }
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